Tuesday, June 01, 2021


 We posted this teaser image on facebook yesterday.

As part of the current pond project we have rebuilt the previously existing garden shed, which will house the filters as well as the usual garden paraphernalia. We are currently finalising the look of it and a neighbour offered to make us a decoration for the gable.

Welcome to Roys workshop, shaping the log.

Starting to take shape.

The first part nearing completion.

On to the next section.

Carving the various shapes needed.

Part two completed

Connecting the first two parts.

Marking up the next piece of wood for the final section.

Shaping and carving the log.

Getting closer to completion.

And finally the finished finial, with the three sections combined.


Now Roy has completed the finial, its over to us to paint and attach to the new shed.



  1. Fancy! I'm impressed. It's wonderful that you have such a talented neighbor.

    1. Lucky here :) and it’ll be great to see his work as n our garden


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