Thursday, May 20, 2021

St Just in Roseland Church

One unusual "Garden" visit in Cornwall is the church yard at St Just in Roseland. The church dates from the 13th Century and is built by a tidal creek, local legend claims that Joseph of Arimathea brought a young Jesus to Cornwall, and that he landed at St Just in Roseland. Regardless of legends, the location really is stunning, with the graveyard and ancient gravestones hosting a delightful garden. 

The church is one of Cornwalls most visited, and facilities, including new car parking and a tea room have popped up adjacent to the church grounds.

St Just in Roseland Church

Looking out across the estuary

The churchyard is full of trachycarpus fortunei

It wouldnt be a Cornish garden without a large Gunnera clump.

saxifraga stolonifera

An unusual public space, very much a garden, but also so much more. The church is close to St Mawes, a small town opposite Falmouth, and well worth a visit too.



  1. An stone edifice of any kind dating back to the 13th century is something we can't claim in Southern California! Churchyards here are very dull by comparison.

    1. This one will make for a great film set :)


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