
Monday, February 22, 2021

The Garden in Late February

After a tricky first half of February when we've had snow and freezing temperatures for days on end, we finally had a much needed thaw on the second half. Last week the temperatures were high enough to feel spring like and last weekend was no exception. So how did our garden fare after the 'Beast from the East' that was the first half of February (why does everything have to have a name these day)? 

Not much different thankfully. A few frazzled fronds here and there but so far so good. Temperatures are very good now and hopefully this will be a nice coast to spring...

Fingers crossed! There's a bit of wishful thinking there as it's only February after all...

Pardon the lack of staging. Our garden project is entering the mess stage so potted plants are all over the place, like these palms temporarily relocated to our middle patio

Our lancewood path, Pseudopanax ferox and crassifolius

Mark :-)


  1. Hello Mark and Gaz, your garden looks so lush and green; I forget you are in the UK and not the jungle! You have skillfully and creatively used foliage to create the look of a lost paradise. I also am eagerly awaiting for spring as my garden is just on the verge of that magical transformation the new season will bring. Thanks for stopping by my blog; it was great to hear from you again!

  2. It's looking suitably jungle-y there despite the beastly weather (sorry I couldn't resist) earlier this month. I'm glad you were spared any significant damage and I look forward to seeing the next stage of your project.

  3. Darlings,

    The garden is looking very good after its winter slumber. It looks raring to go with everything a wonderful collage of green. We always admire the many different textures which you combine together in your planting schemes. This definitely adds interest and gives the garden a fully furnished look.

    We cannot wait to see all the new developments when completed and admire the energy you put into moving things into their perfect spots.

  4. I want to have a lancewood path! ;) Looking great you guys!

    1. Thanks Loree! Glad to see that thaw has arrived there :)

  5. I'm glad you escaped the beast! It was a naughty one too. With the height of some of those plants you must have created your own microclimate by now. I have one baby tree fern looking a bit dodgy, even though it was wrapped in fleece. My fault if I lose it, I thought Devon was safe! Serves me right.

    1. Thank you Jessica :) The canopy certainly is giving some extra shelter to all the other plants which helps a lot. Hopefully your tree fern just have frosted fronds and will flush away nicely come spring.


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