
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Treeferns Awaking

With spring feeling like it has arrived here in the UK the garden is breaking its winter slumber. Admittedly its a little delayed on a typical year, but at least its finally here!
My favourite new growth is nearly always are the tree ferns, with Dicksonia antarctica being the most showy at the moment. The other less hardy tree ferns are waking, but are still in the greenhouse, although they really should come out soon.

Dicksonia antarctica
Dicksonia antarctica
Dicksonia antarctica
Dicksonia antarctica

As regular readers will know we have a tree fern patch in the jungle area of the garden, and this area is bursting with the new life. Currently the area is easy to navigate as we have tidied up and removed last years fronds, the snow and frosts had browned them off this year. With the fronds removed we can actually walk down the pathways, which will soon be tricky when the crosiers are fully extended. Still for now it makes enjoying the new knuckles an easy and rewarding task!



  1. Sweet and very nice that you can observe them more easily with the old fronds trimmed away. Enjoy it while you can!

  2. They always look like sentient creatures to me when they arise like that.

  3. They are beautiful. Mine took an awful battering last winter. No sign of life yet - which worries me!

  4. Ferns are some of my favorite new growth in spring, too, and tree ferns would top the list if I had any in the garden. I do have my baby tree ferns that spend winter in the greenhouse, but they aren't mature enough yet to do one big dramatic flush of new growth. They put up new fronds whenever. Do you trim the fronds on the tree ferns you winter in the greenhouse? I had to send my biggest one, a Cyathea cooperi, to a friend with a much bigger greenhouse for the winter because it was too wide to easily fit in my little greenhouse.


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