
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April in the Garden

Well Spring seems to have finally turned up after what seems like a much longer break so last weekend we finally got some time in the garden. I can't just blame the weather as we have been away quite a lot recently too, but it has felt too miserable to do much even when we were at home.
The patio area almost looks like summer is here, most of the plants have done ok this winter, although the agave in the bottom right hand corner is showing some damage. Hopefully it will just be marked rather than anything more serious.
Feeling like summer on the top patio

Schefflera taiwaniana

Over four years on from the garden fire and the middle patio area is resuming its lush jungle feel. The herbaceous plants in this area are now starting to wake up.

Jeffersonia diphylla
Jeffersonia diphylla
The walkway down to the pond area has shrugged this winter off without any issues, this has really started to fill out and create the full spikey look we were going for.


Unfortunately one casualty from winter was back in the main part of the garden, a Yucca recurvifolia has lost the rigidity in its trunk. We think this happened when we had the last snow fall. Unfortunately the main trunk is damaged about two feet up and so it will need to be cut down rather than staked.

We will cut it off and hopefully will see it sprout and continue again. The part we remove should re-root if planted, so this will be saved, and hopefully live to see another day.

Fallen Yucca recurvifolia
 As always our trusted companions joined us in the garden. Cotton rarely poses long enough for a photos, but Twinkles and Nick generally will allow it!

With an initial tidy up of the garden completed, we will be turning our attention to a small number of projects. Several bamboos have outlived their usefulness and will face removal in the coming weeks, and as always I have a list of activities to keep us busy into the summer.



  1. Your garden always looks fabulous and I'm glad you got some nice weather so that you could go outside and play while Cotton, Twinkles, and Nick did all the garden work.

    1. Thank goodness for this fine weather, it was long overdue here :)

  2. Amazing that it's been four years since that fire already -- the shock even to me still seems fresh! Looks like your garden is in Cornwall, not London. What atmosphere you've created!

    1. Thank you Denise! Time certainly flies fast!

  3. It's hard to believe that it's been 4 years since your fire. If you hadn't mentioned it here, I wouldn't have even thought about it - the garden has completely recovered. It looks wonderful!

    1. Thanks Kris! Just shows too how time flies so fast!

  4. ooo, too bad about that Yucca, but only one winter casualty is a plus. The jungle has risen from the ashes and looking great. You may be tempted to stay home occasionally !

    1. Thanks Kathy :) yes must stay home longer in the summer...

  5. It seems that the last lot of snow was the straw that broke the camel’s back. At least it was here. I thought we’d done well up to that point. Amazing that you might get two plants out of the yucca though..

    1. Hopefully we can get two plants, the loss will turn out to be a gain :)

  6. So great to see photos from your garden. It's comforting to know that beyond a certain point our gardens are quite capable of getting by without us.

    1. Yes, and sometimes it’s just nice to see them do their own thing for awhile.

  7. I think a lot of gardeners are still waiting to count the damage wreaked by the winter - I won't fully know until deciduous plants start popping up again - hopefully soon in this warm weather! Meanwhile I'm factoring in a lot of watering this week! Fingers crossed for your yucca ...

    1. Yep, won’t know for sure until perhaps mid May

  8. It's nice to travel but then you miss what is going on at home. Yucca are so tough, surely you will have at least one survivor if not two.

    Your cats look beautiful and happy. How are the Koi?

  9. Oh it does look like summer in your first photo. I hope that your yucca revives after the planned surgery. We escaped the snow lightly here although one or two plants seem to be poorly. Hard to believe that it is four years since the fire. It must be so heartening to see the damaged area looking so green again.


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