
Thursday, February 08, 2018



Not usually into posting about the plantings on hotel grounds and resorts (bar exceptional ones like those found in Madeiran and Cornish hotels) as they tend to be formulaic and regimented. But going through our photos on our recent trip to Vietnam I couldn't help but long to be transported back to where we stayed, especially seeing once again the lush tropical planting they had there.

View from our balcony
The planting on the grounds are nothing unusual and exceptional, just the usual suspects and categorically belongs to the 'formulaic and regimented', but very nice nevertheless. Especially looking at them now whilst we're in the middle of a cold spell (not unusual for early February here).

And the view as you step out on to the pathways leading on to other areas
Quintessentially tropical, the coconut palm!

The grounds were maintained to a high standard and it was nice to see new plants about to be incorporated into the landscape. Beautiful things!

These tropical plants needs constant pruning of course but can't help but smile at the thought of getting some refreshments as you trim those coconut palms! And amongst these garden trimmings, a basket of more plants to go in.

Seeing these photos has reminded me also why we're into tropical and exotic looking create that illusion our garden is somewhere warmer and enhance the sense of escapism.

Ahh the warmer months, can't wait for their arrival!

Mark :-) 


  1. Aaahhhhh. These warm weather shots are just what I needed in this cold weather area where I live.

  2. I feel very much the same about the hotel grounds of most of the resorts in Hawaii I've stayed at - there's nothing truly innovative but they're still awfully pretty!

    1. Indeed! Can all look the same but appreciated nevertheless.

  3. Hi Mark and Gaz, long time no hear, no visit, hehe. That is truly a tropical setting, just like home here. Best regards.

  4. Looks just like your own jungle! Although it's a dream, I wonder if we'd really love living in a climate like this. Not a huge fan of winter but it does make us take a break from gardening and appreciate the changes each season brings.

  5. I envy their rainfall, but not the tropical heat. Beautiful palms, though.

  6. Very lovely! As to your own garden, I would say you have achieved your goal!


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