
Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Our Exotic Garden in Early June

Time flies so fast and it's the first week of June already! We just came back from a long weekend in Belfast and we'll be featuring snaps of the vibrant capital of Northern Ireland shortly.

Before we went there I had the chance to take a few random snaps of the garden...

Morning really is the best time to take photos of the garden, when the lighting is soft yet bright. The jungle area is looking verdant already and yet the summer growth is still looming.

I love the way the yellow culms of the bamboo catch the light and seeming help to illuminate this area

Phyllostachys vivax f. aureocaulis

Another view of the jungle...

It's been a good spring for the flowering of Trachycarpus fortunei wherein nearly all of our palms, big and small flowered this year. Will we get lots of seeds? We shall wait and see!

This sedum catching the morning light. 

One of Cotton's favourite sleeping spots

And this border on our top patio is looking verdant too. The Schefflera taiwaniana on the left will need staking as it's becoming top heavy.

Fortunately I managed to take these photos whilst the weather was fine as it was certainly not when we got back. Heavy rains and strong winds made spending time in the garden today very unappealing. Hopefully by next weekend the weather will be great again, and we'll be able to continue with our sprucing up!

Mark :-)


  1. The flowers on that palm are particularly striking. Although I live in the land of many palm trees, I don't recall seeing anything like that.

    1. They're quite bright when fresh, wish they lasted though as they turn dark brown pretty quick and make lots of mess...looks cool while it lasts at least!

  2. The jungle never stops growing :-).

    It was great seeing current photos of your garden.

    1. I love the way that canopy keeps getting higher and higher now, very atmospheric walking down there :)

  3. Trachycarpus blooming all around the world! Fun to see your trees doing the same as mine and our neighbor's. The jungle is looking fantastic!

    1. Thanks Loree! It's a boom year for trachy blooms!

  4. Mark, I am glad you are posting photos of your garden, again! It looks totally stunning and very jungle like already. Love the last photo with the blue tall vase, very nice accent!
    Warm regards,

  5. Your jungle is always inspiring! So much beauty and obviously Cotton approves!

  6. Love your jungle, and its beautiful red arbor! What on earth is that massive leaf to the left of the Shefflera in the last photo? A Rheum of sorts?

    1. Thanks Anna! The big leafed one is just the usual Rheum palmatum:)

  7. I've done nothing in the garden so far this week, what with the weather and being pulled away by other things. The weeds are growing if nothing else.
    Love that bamboo. You're right, it really lights up that area. How do you keep it contained? If I remember rightly that one is pretty vigorous.

    1. Thanks Jessica! Weather wasn't great and boy do the weeds grow quick too!

  8. Wow, it really is a jungle out there. The red of the arbor was an excellent choice. Exotic indeed, but would not be complete without a sleeping, happy cat.

  9. Lush and it all, especially Cotton snoozing away.

  10. I love your jungle. And your red arbor continues to be one of my favorites. That does look like a pile of cotton in the big pot! I hope you are having some nice weather this weekend.

    1. Thanks Debs! Hope you had a fab weather as well!

  11. Hi Mark and Gaz, i haven't been here for quite sometime. Your forest is already big and beautiful in the few months i've not seen it. The plants are still looking so healthy and cared for. Best regards.

  12. The palm inflorescences look great!


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