
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Pergola, Sicario, and Festive Lights

Funny how you can get inspired from the strangest of places or circumstance, like after watching a very violent film...

Last year after watching the film Sicario, I took note how lovely the pergola was that was featured on the film festooned with garland lights but with big round bulbs, rather than tiny fairy lights usually seen on Christmas trees. I won't go into much detail on what happened under that pergola in the film for the benefit of those who haven't seen it but suffice to say it was very memorable. Anyhow, I jotted it down as a garden idea for 2016.

Fast forward to June and in the midst of searching online for something similar to what we have seen on the film, we have received an email from Festive Lights giving us an opportunity to review one of their products. Lo and behold, there it was in amongst their products are the lights very similar to the one I was looking for, how lucky was that!

So I immediately requested for them and they sent them straight away for us to install and try.

They sent us a 15 meter bundle of the 5 meter festoon warm globe lights, interconnected with an outdoor battery pack as its power source. The length was perfect for our existing pergola on the bottom patio, to arrange them in a similar fashion as to how it was on the film (with a bit of slack on the wires as they hang randomly across the pergola).

We would have preferred lights that were mains connected as they tend to be brighter but this turned out to be fine and sufficiently bright running on size D batteries. Plus, with no wiring involved on to mains electricity, connecting and installation is much easier and convenient to place practically anywhere.

We are pleased with how they look installed on the pergola and how they illuminate the area when it gets dark. Makes hanging out at the bottom patio a tad bit nicer during the night.

Unlike the film, no violent endings on our pergola please! Or anywhere else for that matter!

Mark :-)


  1. Loved Sicario. A brilliant movie I will never forget. Emily Blunt and Benicio del Toro deserved Oscars.

    I like your lights a lot. I don't think I've ever seen opaque globes like that here, certainly not powered by D batteries. Great idea, really, since many outdoor areas aren't near a mains outlet.

    1. That's true Gerhard, it's good to have the convenience of not having to connect lights to mains.

      Great to hear you like Sicario, it's a great film and both loved it! Clever twist and great acting from both Blunt and Del Toro.

  2. Will you be following up with a night shot so we can see what they look like in use?

  3. Inspiration can come from anywhere!

  4. Like Alan I was hoping for a night pic, so we could see them in use...all lit up!

    1. I did remember about posting a night pic....much later though, oops! Will post an update soon!

  5. Love the opaque globes! Like the others, I would love to see an evening photo. The only thing better than a battery pack would be solar. I bet I would wear out the batteries in no time - I love being in the garden at night!

    1. Oh, and I just realized I used the word "love" three times in just a few sentences. I think I need to work on varying that vocabulary...

    2. Love is great! No need to extend your vocabulary :)

  6. What Alan said! It seems we've all been festooned with Festive Lights ;)

    I'll add your links to my round up at the end of my post :)

  7. So...that idea of asking the universe for what you want is not complete hocus pocus?

  8. I love lights on a pergola...waiting for that lit-up shot at night.

  9. I'm such a wimp about violent movies and wish I'd just get over it, especially if it features Benicio DT. Now I just have to sit through it to get to that inspirational pergola ;)

  10. I love your lights!! Actually I´ve bought some lights too for my patio! what a coincidence!! I bet they look great at night in your pergola. :). I´ve been missing posts for a long time but I hope I will catch up soon!! Your garden is looking great as usual!

    1. Thanks Lisa, looking forward to seeing your photos too!

  11. I,too, like your "Fairy" lights and look forward to seeing them twinkling away late at night.

  12. I love garden inspiration that comes from weird places... :)

  13. Never seen the film, probably just as well. I love garden lights too,but prefer solar type, I just wrap them up in the winter and take the bateries out till next year! Your new ones look really cool any chance of a night time pic?

  14. How long do the batteries last? I really like the idea of not needing an electrical outlet. I have been wanting something similar for a while. Yours look great!

    1. I'm not sure Debs but will keep you posted!

  15. They look great! I'm wondering how long the batteries will keep the strings lit until they need replacement or recharging. Now I'll have to see the film.

    1. Not sure ourselves but yes do see the film, highly recommended!


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