
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Dusk in the Jungle

We haven't been that good at posting photos of our own garden recently. But that doesn't mean not much has been happening, in fact it's the other way around. It is summer after all and it's easy enough to get so immersed in doing things in the garden that taking photos gets sidelined.

Plus there's also a little element of being temporarily selfish too, taking delight in keeping most things to oneself and having a breather from sharing what you see, of one's own personal space.

But time's up now for being selfish and here's a quick look of how our jungle is looking like in early July, with photos taken at dusk today.

The lighting contrast was less than ideal this evening and many of the shots we took turned out blurred. Thankfully a good chunk still turned out fine and good enough for sharing.

We've been having so much rain recently, not that unusual for Britain of course and the ferns especially have been loving it! Much to our delight...

Some cutting back on the other plants in the jungle needs to be done in a week or so but we're mostly satisfied how things are growing so far.

Mark :-)


  1. Fabulous. Love all those lush green fern fronds. They are taking over here too and assuming triffid proportions!

    1. Isn't it great when they start getting huge? Love them!!

  2. I love your jungle! Everything is lush, deep green, and wonderful. The red arbor is the perfect accent.

  3. I love the lush look of your jungle! My garden looks like a desert by comparison.

    1. Ahh but you do get all that warmth and sunshine which we don't :)

  4. I want to have hang out in your garden. I might never leave. Call it the anti-Brexit.

    1. We'd love you to do that, and for the entire country to be anti Brexit if possible!

  5. Ah yes things are looking so lovely and lush, no wonder you want to keep it all to yourselves!

    1. Thanks Loree! Lack of time also played a big part with lack of photos recently. Although I'm fairly active on Instagram.

  6. Your jungle is looking dreamy and lush. Love it!

  7. In some of these shots it looks like your private jungle goes on forever! So pretty and lush, but a different look than my own jungly garden. :)

    1. We love your jungly garden Alan, you've created a great effect!

  8. I love all the shadows the ferns and palms create. I'd love to sit on that shady bench. Truly beautiful and I'm glad you are still sharing it with us, so thank you.

  9. Not at all what I imagine when I think of London! You've really made a special world for yourselves.

  10. Hello Mark and Gaz, here i am again. You are very successful in making your city life inside a jungle. It might be lovely there though, but here in the tropics it will be a different story. I love that but wouldn't attempt to make it here in my own garden. Congratulations for your successes, Mark and Gaz.

  11. It looks like a 'Real' jungle! Not that I have seen one, but what I would imagine one to be like. If I was younger I would start all over again and hope that mine would look as good as yours x


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