
Monday, June 06, 2016

Cool Living Wall

Living walls are a 'thing' of the moment (i.e. now and in recent years) and seems set to continue for awhile. I like the concept of it although I must confess I don't always like the finished product, from both professionals and amateurs, even if at first they look impeccable. Plus I still have lots of doubts on the longevity of most of them.

This living wall however, I liked a lot...

Whilst walking around Geneva Botanical Garden we came across the boundary wall that separates the garden from the railway tracks on the other side of the wall.

It seems they are not ones to miss a planting opportunity. Plus rather than leave it as a stark wall why not embellish it with greenery?

Complete with plant labels
On closer inspection, the walls were deliberately built with crevices for vertical planting. So the addition of plants were not an afterthought. Cool idea!

Most of the planting are leafy drought tolerant plants and alpines. However, much to my pleasant amusement I spotted something different amongst them...

An agave!!


Mark :-)


  1. It is pretty impressive! I noticed a similar wall when checking Pinterest the other day. I had to wonder how easy it is to maintain, though. Perhaps there's an opening at the top that allows water to penetrate the wall?

    1. I think there's a mister on top, sufficient enough it seems rather than have a dripper trailing.

  2. Oh yes! This is good, especially with the agave! It looks so old though, do you think there's a chance the planting holes were cut into an existing, solid wall?

    1. That's possible Loree. Won't be surprised if this was a fairly recent addition and had to cut through the wall recently too.

  3. Wow, fantastic! I really like those, too. That agave was quite surprising to see, but it works and looks healthy. As with Kris, I wonder how easy maintenance is. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I share your thoughts on vertical gardens and that this one is a lovely exception. Very well done.

  5. The agave was a completely unexpected twist. It's clearly happy there!

    I recently saw a photo of agaves growing in trees (!) in Oaxaca, Mexico.


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