
Thursday, June 23, 2016

And so we embrace Instagram!

And we finally embraced  Instagram! If you use it do follow us @aegarden for more photos of our garden and garden adventures.

We're rather late to the Instagram party I know but do we really need another social media to be preoccupied with? But after having a look and seeing the simple format of basically sharing photos I thought why not? Seems simple and fun, what's not to like I suppose!

Photos we've posted there so far (we haven't been there long just to show a 'sample'):

On other updates, we've had a double whammy that affected our blogging recently: our internet connection went down and our camera broke eh! Both sorted out now thankfully, with a new router and a new camera. Our old router must have been overheating for quite some time before it gave up the ghost. Its white casing has noticeably took on a brown-ish tinge in the middle when we spotted it after inspecting all the connections. But of course it was the last one we checked which added to the delay of it all. Anyway, I'm glad it's just the router and we didn't have to resort to getting a different provider and new set of connections.

As for the camera, it took a lot of abuse from us as we used it in the garden rain, soil, and shine. Hopefully this new 'weatherproof' one will prove tougher and last much longer. We shall wait and see...

And back to Instagram, hopefully see you there!

Mark :-)


  1. Glad to see you on Instagram -- I love the simplicity. Is your new camera a Pentax?

    1. The simplicity seems good Alan :) not a sophisticated camera, just point and click Fuji

  2. Of course I will follow !

  3. I keep a low social media profile but I'll check out your Instagram feed. I love that variegated agave.

  4. Yay! Great to see you on Instagram. I love the speed of instagram and that I can post photos of plants and moments that I don't have time to blog about. Your photos are already looking good!

    1. Loving the speed, upload and that's it! Hashtagging though can be a bit of a chore...

  5. Yep, another Instagram newbie here - as you know already! My problem has been most of my photos are taken with my DSLR and I have a very old mobile phone. That's all changed now, so see you there guys :)

  6. I guess I've been on there for a year or so, but probably only posted a handful of photos. I guess I just love taking pictures with my camera instead of my phone, but I will definitely follow! :)

  7. Also instagram challenged, but if your photos are there I will try.

  8. Beautiful photos! I realized how old my camera (and my computer!) are the other day. Nothing lasts forever, and I am wondering how long a crisis like yours would push me off the blogosphere. The thought is scary.

  9. Instagram? Is that some sort of modern convenience whereby one can conjure one's grandmother from a mix sort of like dried milk? One cup Instagram, three cups of water, stir vigorously, let sit for a minute et voila a family matriarch. I've been resistant but will give it a try.

  10. well our internet is 'pants' and I'm always killing cameras lol!


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