
Monday, May 23, 2016

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016 - Outside and Inside the Floral Marquee

A few scenes from outside and inside the Floral Marquee...


Inside the Floral Marquee

Mark :-)


  1. Wow! Visiting this would be a dream come true. I need to plan a vacation, i think!

  2. A friend of mine is in London and going to Chelsea tomorrow. Much jealousy I'm afraid.

    1. Hope the weather plays well during your friends visit. Either way it'll still be fun!

  3. There's always so much to see at Chelsea! I'm glad you'll be sharing your experience with us again this year.

  4. Fabulous Chelsea coverage as always from you. A big thank you. Now wondering which of the show gardens will be best in show. Not long to wait :)

    1. The results are out, better check it myself too as I'm also very curious :)

  5. It was a lovely surprise to bump into you yesterday! Nice pic of Ming Veevers Carter tending to her design at the end of your sequence xxx

    1. I thought it was a lovely photo of the creator tending to her creation :)

  6. I'm not sure which I like better, the tree-ferns or the tree sculpture things shown with them. Of course the booth of Proteas was nice too...

  7. Talk about rolling out the red carpet. Delicious! Love the tree sculptures and the structure with the big green columns. The last image of Her Majesty is very nice!

  8. Your Chelsea posts are always a treat--thank you. I agree with Loree, the tree ferns+towering sculptures are cool, as is the display of proteas, though the Kumara (Aloe) plicatilis in there looks pretty sad.

  9. Someday I'll make it to Chelsea! Thanks for the photos.

  10. Regarding the Chelsea Flower Show as a whole: Wow! One can get lost in all your photos from the different gardens. I can only imagine what that must have been like in person. I loved the Mathematics garden!

  11. That train intrigued me, so I had to look it up -- from a sister train to the Orient Express no less! Amazing the effort that goes into Chelsea, thanks for the look.

  12. It was my first time at chelsea this year, so it was lovely to see your photos for a slightly different perspective on things. I loved it all but was a little disappointed that exotics/ hardy exotics were not better represented as I was really hoping to learn more about more unusual plants. I did learn more about Abutilons from the Wall End nursery though, and bought some plug plants.


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