
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dinner is Served!

Dinner is served!!!

Who needs real food when you have beautiful plants to visually feast on?

Anyone for a second serving?
Although Twinkles doesn't seem to agree. She didn't look pleased with the substitution to her usual grub...

Meanwhile, busy busy times in the garden with so many things to do and so much to be excited with. One of which is the top patio where I'm busy figuring out the pot display for this year.

I'm on a mission to minimise the use of plastic pots there from this year onwards so lots of repotting are being done, including this Nolina longifolia which looks much better now in a glazed pot.

Pot display in progress
However, I'm happy to keep using them for the rest of the garden. Especially black ones that are much easier to blend in.

Mark :-)


  1. Oooh...poor Twinkles! Seriously, though, your pots look fantastic! Looking great as always!!

  2. That is a great looking pot! Was the nolina hard to repot?

    1. Hi Renee, not at all, quick transfer from its original plastic pot to the glazed one :)

  3. Twinkles looks as though she's being very patient. Irritated perhaps, but patient. Best wishes with the repotting effort!

  4. So if Twinkles did decide to eat the plants would you be pleased? Tempting fate that's what I say :-) The pots looked great last year so you may have a problem arranging them in a better fashion but I just know you will try and probably succeed :-) xx

  5. Worth all that work repotting it's going to look great, and be more environmentally friendly, but hard to beat black plastic for unobtrusive breaking of plants into the borders.

  6. Breaking?! Humf, can't b even b remember what word was supposed to go there... Sorry!

  7. Twinkles looks a lot like Ann Amato-Zorich's cat, Lulu! Switching out the plastic sounds so nice. I want to change out a few of mine this year, but I'm not ready to switch them all yet. I've still got to keep things light for future moves.

  8. I can hear Twinlkes saying "We are not amused by your silly plant antics, silly human." Your patio pot garden is looking grand already.

  9. I can hear Twinlkes saying "We are not amused by your silly plant antics, silly human." Your patio pot garden is looking grand already.


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