
Tuesday, November 24, 2015


It has been a month or so since we last wrote a blog post and even longer since one was penned by me.

In that time this blog turned five, yay Happy Birthday us! although perhaps the fact we missed it has some relevance. 

We have had a few comments and messages just recently asking whether everything was ok, or whether the blog had a glitch. I guess when you go from being frequent bloggers to taking a break it is obvious to those that follow closely the day-to-day activity and changes.

So to start lets put your mind, dear reader, at rest, everything is fine with us, the garden has had a good year and the tender plants are mostly put to bed for the winter. Although as always there is the odd plant that was missed (buying opportunity for next year!)

We both have had quite busy work lives recently, and with the garden mostly just ticking along and growing this year (no big projects etc) we have concentrated on other things. There has been plenty of non-gardening related activity, days out sightseeing, visits to the theatre, enjoying the local music scene, even many more frequent visits to the cinema.

Blogging has taken something of a back seat, and rather than just publish anything for the sake of it we have dropped away from things quite a bit.

What was interesting to note is that whilst we have dropped away completely for the last month you guys haven't, despite not publishing anything since mid October 14,000 of you have visited the blog, comments have continued to be posted and messages to us have arrived.

We will no doubt get our blogging mojo back at some point and have had a couple of conversations about how we take the Alternative Eden forward in the future, but for now we will continue with the interval. 

Ice creams and refreshments can be purchased in the foyer.

Gaz :)


  1. I've missed you! Pleased all's well. Mine's a large bucket of popcorn - thanks!

  2. Just yesterday I was wondering if everything was okay with you guys, but I just assumed you were busy building another shed/outdoor room. ;) Glad to hear you're fine and busy!

  3. Hi Gaz, I am glad to read that nothing bad has happened to you guys and you are just taking a blogging break! Hope you come back to blog more regularly, but everyone deserves a pause until the blogging energy is back. Congratulations to your fifth blog anniversary! That is quite an achievement!
    Warm regards,

  4. More than once I considered dropping a line to make sure everything was okay. Thankfully with FB I was pretty sure you were carrying on and just focusing elsewhere. Thanks for the update. You know we'll all be here whenever you feel like sharing your garden adventures!

  5. Thanks for the update, Gaz. I've thought of you and Mark several times and wondered what was up. I'm glad that everything is okay and that you're just enjoying a hiatus. After a continuous stream of posts, I've no doubt you've earned it!

  6. So glad to hear that all is well! Sometimes, it's nice to take a break and reevaluate the place of blogging in our lives. I've missed you and hope you enjoy the rest of your interval!

  7. You've most definitely been missed so very glad to hear that all is well. Salted caramel ice cream please :)

  8. Glad that everything is OK Boys. I was on the point of contacting you myself - just to check. Enjoy the quiet time. Dave

  9. Glad to see a post from you! Sometimes you just have to take a break. Life gets in the way.

  10. I can relate to life overtaking blogging and needing a break. Sometimes we do need to realise there is more to life that gardening (sometimes) . Glad to hear all is well with you both.

  11. Nothing wrong with taking a break to rest and gain a fresh perspective. Best wishes.

  12. I am glad nothing is amiss! Once upon a time I blogged 2-3 times a week, which was still less than many. Now it is once a week, and I wonder how long I will maintain that. I am in my seventh year, and sometimes it is hard to come up with fresh material. But then I think of new readers who have not read much of my blog and of those who have been with me a long time, but certainly don't remember all my old posts. So I keep going.

    Best wishes to you and your garden. Enjoy the holidays!

  13. Hello!! It is nice to read you again!! I almost left a comment to make sure you where both ok but I saw you on fb enjoying drinks or meals so I thought you were just resting or working a lot. You deserve to rest!!! have fun!! we will be waiting :)

  14. I've missed you but I completely understand about needing to recharge your batteries. I'll be here when you're ready to continue where you left off.

  15. Writing all the time can be exhausting. I'm glad you are all getting a well needed break and enjoying life! Can't wait to see what new improvements you will be making to the blog and your garden!

  16. This is a fantastic article, thank you very much. I particularly enjoyed the pics. I will be on the lookout for another one of these.

  17. I've wondered too! And I completely understand.

  18. Ah the mojo comes and it goes! I agree there is little sense in blogging for the sake of it, as there has to be an intrinsic point to it all. Enjoy the break ! A new growing season is just around the corner, so, until then, it's a strawberry cornetto for me please !

  19. I think the beauty of blogs is that you can just dip in whenever it suits you. I am just catching up... Family and work often gets in the way- life's a balancing act. I am sure it is the same for many people. Mine's a vanilla ice cream, with a Flake thanks :)


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