
Sunday, August 02, 2015

How Tidy Should a Jungle Garden Be?

We had a lovely, surprisingly very chilled out weekend giving the garden some extra preening and pruning.

Whilst sorting out the jungle area in particular we were once again asking ourselves the question, how tidy should a jungle garden be?

Should it be immaculate seeming as it will be in a domestic garden setting ? Or should it be leaning towards being wild and unkempt as what a real jungle is?

Too tidy and spotless seems odd and rigid. Too unkempt, well it is a 'garden' after all...

I suppose it all depends on what overall look you want to achieve. Like a lot of things there are happy compromises and in betweens. Personally, we'll go for that.

What about you, how tidy should a jungle garden be?

Mark :-)


  1. I'm with you. A happy medium. It would be very difficult to keep it too pristine.

    1. Especially with lots of bamboos dotted about Gerhard. They're a messy lot :)

  2. Looks like you have it about right, fronds that lightly brush the face but stop just short of grabbing you in a stranglehold!

  3. I think a happy medium, that perhaps errs somewhat on the side of unkempt and wild, is best for a jungle-type garden.

    1. A little leaning towards the wild and unkempt look also buys time between maintenance as well Alison :)

  4. I tidy my jungles only in places that snakes might be a problem.

  5. I find it rather satisfying to let things get a bit untidy and scruffy and then do a grand clean up. My grand clean up consists of just raking all the debris from paths onto the garden. Neat paths and lawns if you have one always show things in a good light. Anyway it's been raining here so I have had to satisfy my OCD by checking for crumbs under the toaster :-)

    1. Hahaha!! A more relaxed attitude buys time between maintenance as well Don :)

  6. Tidy enough that you don't trip over anything or constantly get distracted by one messy bit or another but not so tidy that you don't have time to enjoy it. I expect you've struck the right balance.

  7. i think you've gotten it just right!

  8. "Tidy" is in the eye of the beholder, but jungles by their very nature are not "tidy". I think "controlled chaos" is the best look for a jungle garden!

    1. Spot on John, staged or controlled chaos it is :)

  9. As long as you don't get slapped in the face every time you go in the garden, then you're managing it about right, I'd say! I'm having to restrain a few plants here as we head into late summer as there was a lot of ducking and weaving going on to get through the garden! Not complaining as I love things to look lush but a bit of a tidy up has improved manoeuvrability.

    1. In a way enjoy it Caro, before beds go bare again once colder months arrive :)

  10. Happy medium seems to work nicely. Even that is difficult with the messy bamboos dropping their leaves all over everything all summer! Your garden always looks fab!

    1. Bamboos are fab but such messy plants aren't they Peter? :)

  11. I have had the same conversation with myself regarding my own "jungle." It can become quite wild, especially in the summertime. I spent an hour weeding early this morning and will do the same tomorrow. My thinking is that it must have the illusion of wildness but must be controlled by the gardener.

  12. I like a jungle that errs a bit on the wild side, otherwise why have a jungle. Besides the plants are healthier with natural mulch and shelter. But I do agree there needs to be some control as well. I think you've achieved a good compromise.

    1. We've seen some jungle style gardens that are too pristine, seemed odd...

  13. Keep doing whatever it is that you're doing. It always looks just right.

  14. Oh definitely wild and feisty! It's good to be whacked in the face by dripping wet fronds as you walk through! There is a tipping point though, where wild begins to look unkempt and uncared for, and I guess that point is different for every gardener. Yours just looks fab !

    1. Thanks Jane :) I guess it's really a case of striking a balance, and that depends on the perception of the gardener

  15. I also think the medium choice is best! It looks great in your pictures.

  16. Taming the jungle? Well, we can try...but it will always be a little bit wild, just the way we like it.

    1. A little dose of wildness never did harm Ricki ;)


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