
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Joy of Whimsy

One of the the lessons, or rather inspiration that I treasure and brought home from our trip to Portland last year was so many gardens had the flair to display whimsy and illogical fun in their gardens without compromising aesthetics. 

Whimsy - something that is still virtually unheard of and a rarity in British gardens wherein most gardeners are still fixated with norm and conformity. Brits don't do whimsy naturally it seems, apart from the realms of garden gnomes and wellington boots planted with bedding plants. There are exceptions of course, and I say all of this with affection.

A few months ago I wrote a blog post called 'Patio of Discontent', talking about the patio nearest to the house the only only area left still needing a more permanent and definite makeover. To be honest we're not sure when we'll be able to actually get that 'permanent' thing done, life is just extra busy at the moment. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun and go crazy , and the top patio seemed the perfect place to do that.

Without explaining to much let's just say this year we discovered the joy of whimsy! Let's begin with the furniture...

First there was the succulent table to kick start everything, made from wood recycled from our previous projects. The succulents that have been planted have since continued to bulk up and look like this at the moment:

Next are the two chairs and the bench. It started out like this.

Brown stain is too safe so they were sanded down and repainted in light blue...

Then a candelabra was added. Quite nice especially when it starts to get dark and we're still out in the garden.

Both cats love using them too, especially Twinkles

A convenient place to have alfresco meals too, especially as it's so near to our kitchen.

And I almost forgot to mention, the new fence panels we put up were painted white and the middle brick post now has a pot of Astelia 'Silver Shadow' on it.

A few things that made us smile (not always initially) in the shops made it home and now grace our garden. 

And back to Twinkles, just love this shot..

Just a little preview for now. On our next post about the top patio we'll feature the pots and succulent displays. The main theme this year is pot crazy, displaying all sorts of pots and nothing is concealed, including plastic and nursery pots.

Mark :-)


  1. The flying fish are the best! So clever. I adore your succulent trough table.

    1. Makes us smile a lot Alison. It wasn't like at first sight but an overnight sleep made a huge difference :)

  2. Can I move in with Twinkles? Your house and garden seems like such a great place to live :-)

    1. You know you're welcome anytime Gerhard :) and Twinkles might come up for a cuddle when you stay here!

  3. Looks great! I guess you know you're in a British garden when a light blue/gray chair is whimsical. ;)

    Do I sense a bottle tree in your future, or is that pushing it?

    1. Light blue chair only mildly whimsical, baby steps Alan :) were not even sure yet if we want to go all the way. Not too sure about bottle tree though...

  4. Love it. I think Australia's a bit like England with the whimsy cringe, but fish in trees are great.

  5. Oh I love this. It is a little piece of eden...

  6. I love everything about the new space, down to the skull-headed candle-holder. Twinkles as model is a nice touch too.

    1. Glad you noticed even that little detail Kris :)

  7. Those chairs look excellent painted blue! The candelabra and candles tie it all together, along with the pastel coloured succulents. Look forward to seeing more whimsy :)

    1. Thanks Amy! Love the blue, really lifts and brightens the area :)

  8. Whimsy is a word that makes me shudder, and not in a good way. I think of those gardens where it looks like someone has emptied out the junk drawer and tried to accommodate it's contents in the garden. You guys however look like you're having fun. Everything that you've done adds to the garden, rather than takes away. Carry on!

    1. Whimsy is a tricky thing too isn't Loree? Some exercise and restrain is still necessary as there is a fine line between whimsy and just pure mess. We're taking baby steps but no plans to go all out either :)

    2. I was waiting to see what the Danger Gardener would have to say about this. Whenever "whimsy" is the first word that pops into my head, I try to come up with an alternative in deference to the shudder/gag reflex coming from that sector.

    3. Ricki I remember some of the conversations that followed after the fling and some quite strong ones came up when it came to whimsy. Have to say both sides have valid points. I suppose no control when it comes to whimsy is no good thing...

  9. Great strides toward Britain embracing whimsy! Your fish remind me of a line from Dr. Seuss's Hop on Pop: "Fish in a tree? How can that be?" Love it!

    1. Thanks Peter :) still makes us smile whenever we see them!

  10. Hello Alternative Eden
    Sorry I accidentally deleted your lovely Whimsy blog. Please can you resend it?
    Vanessa Scola

    1. Hi Vanessa, thank you! Not sure what you exactly mean by deleting but it's still here :)

  11. I like a bit of whimsy although it can be tempting to go over the top. Your living table runner is most attractive guys and the flying fish look like great fun. Can the latter cope with gale force winds or do you take them down in inclement weather?

  12. I love it all! The succulent table and candelabra are especially charming. And the flying fish are totally happy!

  13. I love your whimsy touches in the garden! I really like your succulent table, a lot... and the blue chairs add a nice touch!


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