
Monday, July 27, 2015

Fresh and Refresh

After having days and days of sunny and dry weather we finally had a good dose of rain again. Starting last Friday when it was pouring it down almost all day and night, and once again for most of Sunday. I have to say that such generous amounts of rain were rather welcome and gave us a respite from watering the garden on a regular basis.

The sun shone brightly last Saturday, in between a very wet Friday and Sunday
Plus you get a sense of freshness from the atmosphere. Nothing like rain to make everything look and smell fresh especially in the summer. It was nice to go out there briefly in between downpours to just breathe in the freshness in the air.

Speaking of freshness, a few people have commented to us recently that it's noticeable that we haven't been as out and about this year as much as we did in previous years. That's fine with us and it's deliberate.

In the blogosphere and in social media there are groups and prominent individuals out there in horticultural that are very active and who are constantly giving updates about plants and new gardening places/events to see. We too benefit from what they share even if it means just being aware although not actually visiting places or attending events. There's always the future to do them. A majority of these informative people are horticulturists by trade or profession.

We are horticulturists by heart as Sean Hogan of Cistus Nursery told us last year, a rather nice way of putting things to which we totally agree. We are professionals in other fields and plant related matters are dealt with only during spare or down time. It is a source of pleasure and leisure after work.

Work has been extra demanding this year, which ironically has made us appreciate our garden even more. Most of the time, rather than going to different places and events all over, it's just nice to stay where we are and enjoy the garden.

Otherwise, what's the point of creating the space that we have now if we don't enjoy staying in it as often as we could?

Plus, having been all to the same places and events several times previous years, things can get pretty repetitive. You get a sense of 'same same' and that's not always a good thing. So to freshen and refresh things up it's best to take a break from routines, be temporarily choosy in what and where we go to. And instead do other things or just simply stay and 'chillax' in the very heart of this blog - our garden.

And it's summer, a fabulous season to be lazy!

We were around but our friend Don did stay with us over the weekend
Even on those rainy days I'm glad we were mostly around and had the time to breathe in the freshness in the air. That feeling is wonderful, and no plant fair can substitute that.

Mark :-)


  1. I hear you Mark! When the garden (and related activities) become as stressful and tiring as the day job, what's the point? Relax and enjoy the summer! This is the time of year though when I envy those who live where summers are cooler...

    1. Indeed Alan, no point making something supposed to be pleasurable a chore, defeats the purpose :)

  2. Having no garden at the moment has made me realise even more, what I like most is to BE in the garden. Whether I'm working or relaxing it's a feeling I don't experience anywhere else - like re-charging the batteries. I'm sure you know what I mean.

    1. Definitely, and you'll have a garden to spend some time again soon :)

  3. I think a lot of us suffer from a form of hyperactivity, a belief that we have to be moving, getting out and about, constantly. I find myself behaving that way even in my own garden, always having to do something. Gardens are created to be enjoyed and I, for one, am glad to hear you're doing that. Now if I can just follow your example...

    1. Indeed Kris, even in our own spaces sometimes it's easy to get caught up doing too much. Still you're creating something for yourself :)

  4. We also had a little rain, not enough to really soak the soil but enough to clean the air and plants and give that wonderful summer rain scent. What a thrill!

    It's a treat to stay home and enjoy our own gardens! Glad you are taking the time to enjoy the paradise that you've created and break the same old-same old cycle but sorry that work is extra demanding.

    1. Nothing like rain isn't it Peter? You can't recreate it with just swishing water with a hose pipe :)

  5. We finally got some rain, too. Over one inch! That's a lot for us this time of year. I like your attitude. Summer IS a good season to be lazy. I always look at how busy other people are and feel guilty and inadequate, but I'm a homebody and I enjoy being home, in the garden, reading, etc.

    1. That's a good amount Evan! It's great to be a homebody, they are a grounded and interesting lot ;)

  6. I'll follow in Peter and Evan's "footsteps" and say there was rain here too, although closer to Peters experience than Evan's (an inch!?!). Still it definitely freshens things up, as well as (unfortunately) knocking down some rather weak branches and such. I spent a little time this evening tying things up and back.

    But to your post...yes, I am so glad your enjoying your garden, that's the point! We travel very little (if at all) in the summer months on purpose, I want to enjoy the garden!

    1. That's the only thing with rain at this time Loree, can weigh down some plants. But with the heat there that little bit must have been refreshing indeed :)

  7. Oh the rain. We needed it so badly, and now that it's here, I wish it would stop long enough for me to play in the garden. Good to hear that you are relaxing in your garden, although I suspect that if the wet weather continues for much longer, we may discover that you have escaped to sunnier climes.... and gardens ;-)

    1. The forecast seems good for the next few days Sarah, although nights will be much cooler :) no escape plans yet!

  8. I wish it rained a little bit here too. I´m happy seeing your garden in many posts! As you mention, it is the heart of your blog and what we all, followers, enjoy :)

    1. Thank you Lisa! Hope you all get some respite from the heatwave there soon :)

  9. Your last couple of years have been full of projects and activities. You've surely earned the down time and have created exactly the best environment in which to enjoy it.

  10. It was nice to relax in your garden which is something I seldom do in my own as I always see something that needs doing. I am a bit of a stay at home and give a not too polite response to people who say "Get a life or You should get out more often" :-)

    1. Ahh I don't pay attention to such remarks either Don. All too happy to be at home and spend time there :) great to have you last weekend!

  11. There are now so many good blogs to read, including yours, that sometimes I feel the pressure is off to contribute, that garden culture will thrive whether I contribute or not. Quite a different feeling from ten years ago when there wasn't much to read!

    1. Agree with you Denise, it's amazing what's out there now :)

  12. I can relate to this post - I love staying home. Glad you're both enjoying the rain and relaxing.

  13. I need to reread this post every day for a week or more. Maybe that way the message you're giving will sink in. I need to stop feeling like I always need to be doing something. It's ok to relax. A hard thing for me to accept.


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