
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Chelsea 2015: The Great Pavilion

And to cap off our coverage for this year's Chelsea Flower Show, we give you a few scenes we've captured inside the Great Pavilion - where plants take centre stage over garden design.

Sometimes models gets in the way...
We really liked this one...

Wouldn't mind having this planter!

Trewidden's walk through stand
This Sempervivum is huge! 50 pence coin for scale

Someone giving advice for the perfect Victoria Sponge

The badgers make an appearance again!
A Mexican themed display....
That only has one small agave in it (although it is an ode to Dahlias after all, fair play)...
That has lots of southern hemisphere plants in it, like Cordyline australis. Hmmmm...

Ham it up luv!

Thailand was there and garish as usual.
And so is Burncoose, with an odd looking dragon arch on the display.
We didn't spend that much time in the Great Pavilion as we would have wanted or as we always used to but it was enough for us to get the gist of the quality of displays and plants exhibited this year, which are great as always!

This concludes our coverage for this years show which will run until Saturday next week. We have next year's show to look forward to now and do join us again!

Mark :-)


  1. Seeing this abundance and extravagance, I couldn't help but wonder how long it takes to set up and tear down a show like this. Would love to see a behind-the-scenes documentary!

    Did you say hi to Mary Berry?

    1. I think they are given a week or so to set up in the great pavilion depending on the size of the display Gerhard. But there's also the planning and practice phase which happens before that. Dismantling is much quicker especially if the stall will be opting to sell off on the last day.

      Didn't say hi to Mary Berry I'm afraid....

  2. Lovely pics,didn't get there this year so nice to see some of the pavilion. Also pleased you showed my friend Victoria Westways willow family.

    1. Be great to see you soon, any plans of attending the other shows this year? And loved that sculpture btw, very endearing! :)

  3. Flowers flowers everywhere. The teapots are fabulous, the models did get in the way and the Alocasia is to die for...that Thank you both for the coverage and transporting me to Chelsea, someday I will go, mark my words!

    1. You'll have to Tamara! And we had the same reaction with the variegated Alocasia :)

  4. The Great Pavilion in and of itself exceeds anything we're treated to in terms of the local garden shows. I could do without the models but I suppose there's a need to appeal to all tastes...Thanks again for your coverage of the event. We REALLY don't get any TV coverage of the show anymore since HGTV effectively became HTV, at least not in the LA market. I even checked BBC America's line-up - nada.

    1. Kris, I agree with you 100% about HGTV. The "garden" programming is so pathetic. What's wrong with this country?

    2. I was aware that the U.S. is a major market for the BBC coverage of Chelsea but perhaps it is not anymore? Or perhaps it will just go to another network there now?

  5. I like that plant hat and plant costume that girl is wearing, heehe.

    1. Very pretty isn't it Lisa? Perfect for Ascot too :)

  6. Stunning Sempervivum! The Thailand thing is scary--I thought my garden was gaudy--and Mexico with moon gate and gothic arches?

    Cool to see the "good bake" lady.

    Fun photos, thanks!

    1. A pleasure Gail! That sempervivum is so impressive, looking more like a purple dudleya or aloe :)

  7. That big Sempervivum has great color! I also love the tree ferns and the display with the Arisaema and Cypripedium. Thanks for sharing the experience!

    1. A pleasure Evan! That stand is from Jacques Amand and I understand that they go to shows in the U.S. too, Philadelphia one I'm definitely aware of :)

  8. As ever a great show...thank you for the intimate view! I recognize a few of the the Scadoxus Punicaus Flaming Torch. It is a bit of a star in these parts.And the cool sempervivum...I collect them and that was a beauty. It is funny how trends are world wide. Thank you!

    1. A pleasure Laurin! Trends do encompass the big pond, each side heavily influencing each other :)

  9. Thanks for the peek inside - nice to see it empty of crowds (couldn't you have shoo-ed that model away?). "Ham it up, Luv" - chortle. Dave

    1. You're welcome David and be nice to meet up again soon :) glad you spotted that line!

  10. Great tours of the show. It was wonderful this year and thank you for bringing us all the details.

    As others have noted BBCA is stuck on Star Trek reruns(!?). Jenny (Rock Rose) has apparently found a way to get the BBC coverage and I'll need to find out how.

  11. I want to move that tree fern jungle to my garden and that Mexican themed display is kind of a hot mess (as is poor Thailand). And seriously, more creepy people statues (I include the models in that statement too)!?

    1. The Mexican display I just found really odd Loree, when it could have been really good had if more thought and careful selection of planting were done. Especially there's so much unique Mexican flora that could have been used with the Dahlias. The Thailand display, I remarked before the their offering reminded me more of a lavish Asian funeral than anything else.

  12. What a Wonderland of plant lust overload. Even the Mad Hatter would be haqrd pressed to top that tea party.

  13. Thanks for all your fabulous Chelsea coverage - it's much appreciated and almost as good as being there :) Maybe next year .....

  14. I love that woman's leafy dress with the train and headdress of flowers. There are certain occasions I could wear that! Thanks for all the coverage of the gardens!


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