
Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Flush Here and A Flush There

Spring is such an exciting time of the year when there's so much growth and activity going on in the garden that one is spoilt for choice on what to highlight. Times like this, instead of only highlighting one it's better to just immerse oneself and enjoy the variety of plant flushes here and there...

Lots of flushing going on in the greenhouse and just to highlight a few:

Nothopanax delavayi 'Stout' (syn. Metapanax delavayi 'Stout')
Nothopanax delavayi (syn. Metapanax delavayi)
Fatsia polycarpa (large leaf form) - we've seen the mother plant in the flesh and the leaves were between 2-3 feet across!

And even more out in the garden as you can imagine:

Short and shrubby Daphniphyllum macropodum var. humile Female, with small leaves and grows up to a metre tall only
While this Daphniphyllum macropodum is a tall one! Nice colourful flush of leaves too!
You can start to see the pink - Rhododendron 'Wine and Roses'
Rather strange and unusual but not worried about it, this Schefflera taiwaniana have shed all of its old leaves as soon as it started to flush new ones.
Got to love the new flush of Schefflera delavayi
A quick skip back into the greenhouse to see the Cussonia spicata flushing
Then back out to admire this Dicksonia antarctica putting out so many new fronds!
Not sure which Rodgersia this is, possibly 'Chocolate Wings' but I'm just glad to see it make an appearance again
Not to be left behind, Fatsia japonica 'Annelise'
and Fatsia japonica 'Spider's Web'
And a new addition to the garden, the replacement to the one we just recently lost, Aesculus parviflora
So much going on in the garden. Spring is so wonderful isn't it?

Mark :-)


  1. I always love seeing new growth on the scheffleras and their araliad relatives. Still waiting for signs of life on my S. delavayi, looks like it might be a casualty of the cold winter...

    1. Hopefully it will still make an appearance John but if not might be worth trying again :)

  2. Spring is looking quite fetching in your garden!

    1. Exciting times isn't it Loree? :) but lots to do too!

  3. Plenty to get excited about there, the schefflera with the shed leaves looks extraordinary, but I think the prize goes to the unfurling leaves of the Schefflere delavayi, fabulous colours and shape.

    1. The new flush of that Schefflera is beautiful Janet, and will get even better as they enlarge :)

  4. There is so much color!! the contrast between different colors is beautiful!

  5. New spring foliage is always so exciting! And yours is very colorful.

    1. Really enjoying all the spring colour Alison! :)

  6. Fresh foliage is even prettier than flowers. I love those Dahniphyllums!

  7. Wow you have it going on! Some very beautiful and strange flowers and foliage, like the flush of Schefflera delavayi! Flush is such a great word for it! I never tire of looking at ferns unfurling! Happy spring!

    1. Thank you Laurin and happy spring to you too :)

  8. Ah spring when the plants are vibrating with life. Beautiful pictures!

  9. Great to hear the cussonia is drought tolerant too Gerhard! Some gardeners here have had success growing it outside but have yet to try it ourselves :)

  10. Soaking up the season is the only sane thing to do.

    1. Indeed Ricki, enjoying it while it lasts :)


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