
Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Snow in a Flash

Last Saturday we had a relatively thick snowfall early in the morning but it was all gone by midday. This morning our area was blanketed by snow again but it wasn't a surprise as the white stuff started to fall late in the evening before.

Now being a usual working weekday I didn't have much spare time to hang around and take photos of the garden, my priority was to get to the train station. But I know that by midday most of it is likely to be gone again and all we'll have are memories of the snow.

What to do? Well take photos in a rush of course. And I meant proper rush as only had a spare couple of minutes before I had to go so I took a few shots from our bedroom window and also from the sun room. It was just after seven in the morning so was still dark and had to use the flash.

Alas no time to venture out further into the garden so I had to content myself with views from the house. At least I have some proof and reminders that it did snow here today.

Leaving the house I managed to take these extra photos using my phone...

Time was fast running out so I had to rush to the train station. While briskly walking I was thinking that trains might be delayed because public transport in the UK can sometimes go on a standstill even with just a 'fleck of snow'. And guess what? Let's just say it was a stressful commute to work in central London.

Fortunately going back wasn't too bad. And when I got home nearly all of the snow from the morning were gone, bar a few clumps dotted around. Good! I like snow but the novelty of it very soon wears out. I prefer my snow in the garden here then gone relatively almost a flash.

Mark :-)


  1. Agree that snow is best when it disappears quickly. Cool views of all those palms and other plants under snow cover in the garden while everything else is snug in the greenhouse. I don't remember seeing so many views of your street before so that was interesting.

    1. Definitely Shirley, snow is only cute for a little while then it quickly becomes a nuisance. In here anyway :)

  2. I love seeing the garden (and neighborhood) covered in snow after a long spell of barren ground -- it seems to validate the cold temperatures -- but like you want it to disappear relatively quickly. Maybe a few days rather than a few hours, but not weeks upon weeks. Unlike much of the midwest and east coast, we've had very little snow this winter in St. Louis.

    1. Count yourself lucky not to have it Alan, and hopefully you won't get much if any between now and spring :)

  3. Wow, that looked like quite a bit of snow but it couldn't have been, seeing how it had melted by the time you got back.

    I'm like you--I love the look of snow, but I don't want to live WITH it.

    1. Fortunately daytime temps are high enough to melt them Gerhard. Not good to have it hang around too long or just partially melt then freeze again. UK is really not that geared for snow, unlike continental Northern Europe :)

  4. Exactly the right amount to turn that agave in the final photo into a work of art.

    1. Hi Ricki, the Aloe looks cute with snow it but I'm sure it's better without it by the end of the day :)

  5. It's quite surreal, your jungly tropical lookalike plants all covered in snow.

    1. Last year was wonderfully snow free wasn't it Jessica? Mind you this is not really that bad, long may that uphold :)

  6. I'm with you on snow wearing out its welcome quickly. Right now with the east coast getting hit with so much of that nasty white stuff, I feel so very lucky (and smart) to have left it behind when we moved to Washington.

    1. Definitely Alison. Hopefully you guys won't have anymore till spring :)

  7. Snow is beautiful, but one can get tired of it very fast if it lasts too long. It doesn´t snow as much as it used to in Madrid, so now I love seeing snow...and I like it when it is still not disturbed by walking people or cars, like in your pictures :)

    1. Pristine snow does look lovely Lisa, even better when you're the first one to disturb it :))

  8. That looks like a LOT of snow to me but then a single snowflake here would be a shock to see. It is pretty but I can well imagine how fast the novelty could wear off. I hope all your outdoor plants made it through the experience unscathed!

    1. Indeed Kris. Hopefully no snow will ever fall there, I'd be shocked too :)

  9. Yay for beautiful, but brief, snow. That's more than we've seen this year, and I am thankful for that!

    1. Lucky you guys :) at least the snow we've had so far didn't linger too long, unlike in previous years...

  10. I'm very pleased to read that you got to work in the end and that the journey home was easier. We still have some snow in parts of the garden, but it's very icy and not at all like the lovely snow in your photos.

    1. Thanks Sarah! It was icy here too this morning especially as some of the leftover snow from yesterday that were melting froze again overnight. Thankfully not so much in the garden but on the shady areas of our facing neighbours still had quite a lot of snow left over.

  11. Your garden look so beautiful under the snow, thank you for sharing these pictures and we haven't seen snow for a very long time, been properly roasted and baked here in Oz this season.

    1. Ohh do send some of your sunny and warm weather here Klara :)


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