
Monday, December 08, 2014

Fling 2014: Cistus Nursery

Before we went to Portland we already knew of the reputation of Cistus nursery, so getting to visit whist on the Fling was something we were particularly looking forward to. Cistus is a dream location for anyone interested in the usual, the unique and interesting with plants from all over the globe, such as these fabulous field grown yuccas.
Mark and I were fortunate to visit the nursery a couple of extra times whilst in Portland, so many of the photos in the post were taken when the nursery was quieter rather than packed with a coach load of fellow bloggers.

 Not only is the nursery well presented but the plants are all so well grown. The back of house team should be very proud of what they achieve.

We loved the feel of the nursery, so calm, well organised and tranquil, I can see why it is such a favourite location of the Portland bloggers.

 The retail space is divided up into smaller rooms, with shade provided in places by a number of covered buildings. 

 Heavenly, so many fantastic plants, many of the seed collections were undertaken by Sean Hogan, and arranged to tempt and delight. It was difficult to be in such a fabulous nursery so far from home, but fortunately for us the Nursery is able to organise international delivery! So a few delights did end up back home.

Now as everyone who has visited a real nursery knows, all the best and most interesting areas are beyond the staff signs and Cistus was no exception. Several polytunnels packed with goodies.Including a number of arid tunnels.

Being the middle of summer the temperatures were rather warm inside, so say the least, but Sean and Mark were unstoppable! Mark had to see everything of interest, and Sean was the perfect host, taking Mark from unique plant to unique plant. I kept back and stayed in the shade!

But its not just succulents, plenty of more lush plants, too!

Can I have one of everything please..

Where ever you look the tunnels are packed with fantastic plants

If you have the opportunity to visit Cistus then we would highly recommend visiting, but if you are too far to pop in then don't forget they do mail order!


Cistus Nursery Website


  1. It certainly was a special place, although I would have liked to have visited on a slightly cooler day. I've ordered from them before, so seeing the "birthplace" of the plants was nice. So many fantastic yuccas to tempt...

    1. Their yucca collection is just amazing Alan. If distance wasn't an issue could happily keep coming back there, over and over...:)

  2. Cistus is the type of nursery you want to bring a truck to. "One of everything," as you said. It's been five months since my visit, but I still can't get those stunning Yucca rostrata out of my head.

    I don't know how Mark and Sean were able to spend so much time in the greenhouses when it was soooo hot. Well, Sean is probably used to it. Like you, I much preferred the shade :-).

    1. Indeed Gerhard, if only it was nearby...

      With so many gems that they have I was able to ignore the intense heat in the poly tunnels :)

  3. A great nursery indeed and I feel very lucky to live close enough to visit a few times a year!

  4. Looks a fabulous place. What gems did you import and how?

    1. They're used to it Don, they can sort out the paperwork and all :)

  5. I should have realized that Yucca rostratas flowered, but I didn't until I saw your pictures! Fabulous! I am so glad I live near enough that I can go down there twice a year, or more.

    1. Lucky you and Peter that you are able to visit several times a year. Some Yuccas split heads too after flowering hence having a multi headed specimen later on :)

  6. Like Alison, I was a little surprised to see a Yucca rostrata in flower. I hope to get to Cistus one day myself!

  7. It's been about 2 and a half months since I've visited, I'm way over due! Of course it's got a much different feel this time of the year, but it's always wonderful. I must get out there soon...

    1. Long overdue indeed! I can imagine it's just as wonderful at this time of the year Loree :)

  8. So envious that you got to see the back of the house! It's easy enough to loose oneself out in the "public" parts. I can imagine the greenhouses totally amplifying that experience!

    1. Indeed Anna :) and you ought to visit it again soon and I'm sure if you ask they'll let you have a look at the back poly tunnels.

  9. Wonderful!! I'm jealous :) is worth to stand the heat to see those plants :) the last picture of Sean is great, hehehe.

    1. We do like that last picture of Sean a lot too Lisa :)

  10. Cistus Nursery is on my bucket list!

  11. Fab plants and fab T-shirts too ;)

    My most abiding memory from my visit to Cistus was chatting to a member of staff who's mother volunteers at the garden at Alcatraz (I was wearing my Alcatraz garden t-shirt at the time!)

    1. Nice coincidence Michelle! Alcatraz apparently has some nice succulent plantings too, another one on the bucket list...

  12. I have no idea how you managed to choose just a few for your garden back home - your heads must have been spinning with the choices! Looks like a fabulous place to have a wander - nursery visits are so inspirational!

    1. Shipping was the limitation Caro :) if only this nursery was near us (or at least the same country)...

  13. Lush and exotic! I can see why you had to have more than one visit. I would have a hard time getting out of there with anything left in my bank account!

    1. Same here Debs :) the location of the nursery did our wallet a favour


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