
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day November

Fatsia japonica in flower

Mid November and the weather is turning cold, damp and grey, and the majority of the tropical plants are starting to move into winter mode. I had hoped that when I wandered down the garden there would be several in flower, but alas the wet cold weather has taken its toll and we only really had a few Fatsia giving some colour. That colour, however reflects the weather - small white blooms that don't offer much in the way of tropicana!

Bloom day therefore is a little bit quiet for us, but thankfully not totally baron thanks to the humble Fatsia!



  1. What would we do without the fatsia!? it's a good one.

    1. True Loree, and at this time of the year one realises how much of a stalwart Fatsia is :)

  2. There's always something to brighten the garden on the worst days. November is not one of the months that holds a lot to see, but it holds promise.

    1. Indeed Jean. There were some bright colours around at least, from the leaves about to fall mostly :)

  3. I don' t think my Fatsia has ever flowered. Aren' t they lovely?

  4. There was a bee on my fatsia flowers today ! How mad is that!

    1. That's great, we had a butterfly on this one last weekend which was a big surprise.

  5. After seeing the Fatsia featured in your garden and some of the PNW gardens, I'd love to try it but, alas, it needs a lot of water (by our standards at least). Happy GBBD!

    1. You have lots of other nice plants you can grow there outside which we can't Kris :)

  6. Beautiful blooms in your fatsia!

  7. The Fatsia is a highlight in my garden too. I dragged a step stool outside and just stood there for a while, watching the wildlife roll around in its blooms like Romans at a banquet. It is such a stalwart during the grey months - even if its leaves weren't spectacular, I wouldn't want to be without it!

    1. Such a great, versatile plant Fatsia is Anna. Same here, wouldn't be without them :)

  8. I'm feeling better and better about planting Fatsia in my son's front yard.

    1. You should be Ricki, a fine and reliable choice :)

  9. Fatsia blooms are so fun, though, aren't they? Little Sputniks floating above those big leaves.

    1. That's a good way of putting it Evan. Plus the berries that follow of course :)

  10. I love the fantastical flowers of the fatsia, mine are parading those daft pompoms too. Sort of ivy on steroids.

  11. Humble? I think your fatsia is quite exotic! But I know what you mean. We are having repeated hard frosts and pouring rain, and I am afraid my blooms are doomed along with the colorful fall foliage.

  12. There is nothing humble about Fatsia! It is one of the unsung heroes of the garden. I think it should have a national day.

  13. Hey I really like those small white blooms. The very best thing about white flowers is how they stand out in the dark. Snow hit us during the night so looks like another year like last year. Have some great upcoming holidays.
    Cher Sunray Gardens


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