
Monday, May 12, 2014

The Three Pokers

Usually we only have one a year...
It started with this one and we though this would be the only one...
For the first time, this year we'll have three!

The two others quickly followed. Now we have a threesome!
Kniphofia northiae

Three pokers, three times the plant fun!

Mark :-)


  1. Wow ! Kniphofia but not as we know it ... firstly and most importantly, how tender is it ? Secondly, what keeps it happy ? Thirdly, where can we get one, or two, or three ... !!
    Also loving the photos, especially the initial one. Thanks for the introduction !

    1. Hi Jane, it's not tender at all, at least not in our garden anyway :) no protection at all and grows happily outside. It does go scruffy in the winter but it get trimmed and tidied in the spring. It likes to be in a sunny spot with good drainage. It has the potential to get really big, possibly the biggest growing Kniphofia around and it looks more like an aloe. It doesn't like root disturbance so try and avoid moving it around once planted. It's not that difficult to get hold of, occasionally see it in garden centres. Go on and get one (or three) highly recommended and you'll love it!

  2. Ohhhhh, that is so beautiful!!!! I love them, they look great!!

    1. It'll probably do even better in your location Lisa :)

  3. Such a great plant! I just noticed some Kniphofia flowers starting on one of the ones I planted last spring.

    1. Worth considering adding this to your front (and back) garden Alison!

  4. I hope this is yet another harbinger of a great garden year for the 2 of you!

  5. Everyone wants a threesome in their garden, right? Yay!

    1. Hehe! I resisted mentioning threesome in the post but so glad you mentioned it now Loree :)

    2. With a set-up like that somebody had to do it!

  6. Hello Mark and Gaz:

    In our time we grew a number of different Kniphofia, including K. northiae, as in a mixed border they do provide a variation in the way of both form and texture. Yours appears to be clumping up well.

    1. I can just imagine how great your mixed borders must have been like Jane and Lance!

  7. Now that's a kniphofia that I like! Loads of architectural interest that beats the pants of 'normal' garden Kniphofia. One for your Pinterest board, maybe? ;) Cx

    1. Ahh you've reminded us of pinterest again Caro! :)

  8. I've been looking for this one as I fell in love with the foliage a few years ago. The blooms are an added bonus and I'm glad you've got three this year. Beautiful!

  9. I'm with Caro, wonderfully architectural, one for my front garden once I get the next area cleared. Enjoy your trio ;-)


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