
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Of Kitchens, Weddings, and a Jungle Hut

No we don't have a kitchen in our jungle hut nor we have plans of having an outdoor kitchen but we did put in some kitchen units there last weekend.

Before we can do anything outside, on the veranda bit we must sort out the inside of the jungle hut first, the bit used as storage for odd and ends and more importantly so, plants during the winter. When the construction of the new hut finished it was left bare and devoid of finishing touches (paint, storage, and flooring) as we immediately needed to utilise the space to overwinter plants. 

The last batch of plants are finally out in the veranda
A nice new view from the jungle veranda - Schefflera alpina
Since the start of the spring plants that have been stored there have been gradually moving out into the veranda to acclimatise for a few days before they move back out into the garden itself. Last weekend the last batch of plants moved out paving the way for a clear (almost) space that we can actually start decorating the inside bit.

Cupboards and storage cabinets were needed there as well as a sturdy worktop. Although we will be using the space as a functional storage area we still want make it look smart and presentable enough that with the right re-arrangement it can look more like a home office or studio rather than a shed. 

The solution was to install some kitchen units and a worktop inside the jungle hut. We bought some flat packed (as you would) and ready to take home units from Ikea and the worktop from somewhere else (strangely Ikea only does worktops in two meter lengths when we need exactly three, which other kitchen suppliers does). Nothing fancy, just simple and inexpensive ones, the sort that are used on rental properties.

Gaz assembled and secured the five units together in under two hours, the worktop slotted in nicely in just minutes and all doors were on in half an hour. Quick and easy and it looked smart. It also felt a bit eerie seeing the finished product for it didn't look too dissimilar to our new kitchen which is also all white, for a fraction of the price compared to section per section.

Which reminded me on how Kitchens and Weddings seems to have a premium simply for what they are. I remember when we were on the process of choosing a kitchen, looking around, asking questions, and realising that the units are really nothing more than glorified cabinets and cupboards and yet they are more expensive than...cabinets and cupboards made from the same materials. Sales people always put a spin and justification as to why this and that is such and such but my opinions haven't changed. Same with weddings, inquire or book a venue (or anything else for that matter) for a wedding and it is significantly more expensive than say for a birthday party, when requirements for both occasions can be almost identical.

Back to kitchens, seeing Gaz assemble a row of units in a fraction of an afternoon made the process seemed so simple. The reality is of course not that simple. It took the installers a dedicated week and a half to complete the process, much longer than our expectations and seeing them work made me appreciate how skilled kitchen fitters are.

Anyway, enough of the reminiscing and back to the jungle hut! Two coats of white paint were applied afterwards and only touch ups are needed later on. I suggested that we ought to have fun and paint the walls a different colour but we'll think about that in the next few days, that is if we want to bother or just stick with the white. Apart from the painting all that's left to do is to install some blinds on all four windows and a curtain pole above the doors so I can hang an exotic fabric/curtain on it to serve as a backdrop to the jungle veranda.

And soon it will be time to get stuck in with painting the jungle veranda itself!

Mark :-)


  1. It looks awesome! I've lived in apartments that were nowhere near as nice, LOL.

    1. Thanks Gerhard! But it's only a tiny space really, easy and quick to make over :)

  2. The colour and design is not quite what I wanted. Where is my bed and bathroom? It does look very good and will you really want to put grubby plants in there next winter. :-)

    1. It could be a bedsit as well Don! It won't remain pristine there for long, we'll just have to remain on top of the maintenance, paint over the marks etc. Worktop should scrub and bleach away nicely though.

  3. Fancy! And am I the only one who held her breath as she read, you know since the word "wedding" was in the title?...

    1. Haha! It crossed my mind much later on Loree that I could be implying something. No immediate plans, it's just about something I've said in person recently that certain things have a premium just because of their tag....

  4. Hello Mark and Gaz:

    We are hugely impressed. Not only with the finished appearance but also with the speed with which it has been achieved.

  5. Ha.... I was thinking like Loree for a while but never mind.
    You will have a truly multipurpose space with the jungle hut. That's really good as well.

    1. Thanks Missy :) will all the intensity we went through last year and early this one, I'm not sure if we have energy left for another big event (albeit a nice one). Perhaps next year...

  6. But what you said is so true! I've decided anything beautifully white is expensive. Love Libby whose husband will not let her buy any white flowering plants :(

  7. It is always such a good feeling to get large overwintering plants back outside, having got them successfully through the cold weather.
    Everyone should have a jungle hut ... will be fab ! The speed of kitchen unit assembly was most impressive !

    1. Quite surprised ourselves Jane how fast the assembly of the units were. Guess it helped that Gaz was in a good assembling mood :)

  8. You are so talented!! and wow, that Schefflera is beautiful...

  9. I've heard stories of people having hassles with assembling those "easy" Ikea units. You guys make it look like it really is easy.

    1. We've had some problems assembling their flat pack furniture before Ricki, fortunately this time it wasn't too bad :)

  10. As always, you two amaze me with your skill and speed! So I'm thinking that a wedding in an exotic locale (Portland, Oregon) sometime in July would be quite special.

  11. I'm with you on the skill of a good kitchen fitter - and the madness of wedding and kitchen mark-ups. You're hut will be rather swanky and yet very practical, the perfect combination. The plants look happy to be outside.


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