
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Temptation In The Air

There is temptation in the air here.....the temptation to garden.

But it's only January, but then again why not?

'Twas a frosty night
Winter has been very mild so far and only last night did we have our third frosty night and our lowest temperature this winter so far, -2C. We're hoping that the frosty episode we had last night would be the worst of it this winter, and that winter will not really arrive and that it will be a smooth coast to spring proper. Unlikely but possible. I remember very early in 2011, after having had a vicious start to that winter (that nasty winter that killed many borderline plants that exoticists had been getting away with previously) come January and all the way to spring the temperatures remained mild with a barely a frost or two happening again.

The koi are still active and eating
So its possible and we're optimistic! Not only will it be good for plants but it will save us money too by not using greenhouse heating that much.

Cross fingers anyway. It's barely mid January and there's still February and March to go through yet.

Bright and sunny but not warm. Warm enough to be tempted to garden but not warm enough to just hang out here. Can't wait to scrub and paint this jungle hut though!
With it being so mild so far (yet so stormy as the downside) the temptation to continue gardening is always there, especially on sunny periods. But best to resist and use January to finish off the remaining bits of decorating to do indoors. We were supposed to do this between Christmas and New Year but we slacked off instead and used the festive season as an excuse to do...nothing. Actually we did loads....of relaxing.

'Twas a weekend of painting!
But if we don't finish off decorating it will just drag on until it can potentially encroach into proper spring period in which attention must really go into gardening. It's dragged on long enough as it is, if it goes on for much longer it will be entirely our fault as the disruption from builders is long gone.

Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex'
Temptation is in the air but delayed gratification must reign supreme for now. It doesn't stop us wandering out and taking photos in between indoor tasks.

Might muster the courage to feature all the changes that happened in the house in a future post but for now here's a little sneak peek.
Get it all done soon, get everything settled. So come spring, even as early as next month, woohoo! Hellooo garden!

Mark :-)


  1. Hi Mark, Happy New Year! I haven't greet you formally till now. I am thinking of the koi in winter, so now i realized they are all heated like the homes. You're really having a very expensive hobbly. But how else can we be happy in this world if we will not do what makes us happy. At least you are much privileged than your maybe relatives and countrymen left behind. Stay safe and take care!

    1. Happy New Year Andrea! The pond is not heated, only one of the greenhouses is minimally heated by electricity and the other one by paraffin so to keep costs minimum.

  2. Cute kitty pic! Our temp was 10 degrees F. less than a week ago. Yesterday we were in the 60s! I really want to get out in the garden, too, but I think we are likely to have some more frosty weather. Hopefully, sleeping plants won't wake up too soon.

    1. Quite a fluctuation there Debs but hopefully it won't go down as low as that again even on frosty nights. I think it's good to rest and take a break from gardening in winter so motivation will be higher come spring :)

  3. How well I understand the impatience to garden when the sun is shining! While we don't have the frost worries to keep us inside during the winter months, heat dictates a similar degree of caution in the summer months. Perhaps, next summer, I need to find myself some suitable indoor chores to tackle instead of planting when temperatures run high of the 90F mark...

    1. Oh yes Kris, it's quite inverse in your location when summer temperatures gets so high it's downright unbearable to do some gardening outside, or at least for most of the day, bar dawn and dusk. Inverse situation but similar :)

  4. Yay for sneak peeks, so clean and fresh! Hope to see more.

    We finally cleaned the gutters today. A job normally done in November, it's been an odd year. Being out there and spending time looking around I thought I'd get the bug, instead I wanted to just come in and hide. So many things responding to our cold in a bad way, it is starting to be overwhelming.

    1. Maybe Loree, just need to get everything finished off now. It's mostly woodwork that needs painting which is a much longer task, not to mention the varnishes and paint are laden with fumes.

      I think it's actually best or better to give in and stay indoors during winter especially if the body itself dictates it. Gives it time to rest and you'll have more vigour in the spring. Hopefully the worst of the bad weather there has passed now and no more nasty cold spells will go your way. Keep smiling, just think of those plants that will also give you nice surprises :) And yay for clean gutters, one job out of the way now!

  5. Lovely work in your home. Will enjoy seeing everything you ended up doing. Spring will be here before you know it to do your gardening.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. Thanks Cher! Spring will be here soon indeed, can't wait!

  6. Nice sneak peek there! I could get VERY comfy on those couches :-).

    My mom in Germany constantly remarks on how mild the weather has been there as well. What a weird winter indeed. After California's brush with Artic weather in early December and then the polar vortex in the Midwest and the eastern U.S., U.K. weather is beginning to sound quite nice!!

    1. Those couches are comfy indeed Gerhard :)

      You're on to something pretty accurate there with regards to this winter. One of my colleagues spent the Christmas week in Hamburg and she remarked how mild the weather there was for the time of the year when on most years it would be freezing there at that time and often blanketed with snow. It has been a very stormy winter here though, which is connected with the strange weather you guys have been experiencing. Spring will be here soon, something for all of us to look forward to :)

  7. I think that concentrating on the indoor jobs for now is a wise move. Can't help but think that there is still a sting in the tail to come as far as winter is concerned. I want some snow to convince me that it has happened before we can move on to spring :)

    1. Funny you mentioned about the sting Anna which made me remember when one year we had heavy snow in early April. We're still hoping there won't be any sting at all, if so then we'll be very amazed :)

  8. Hope that sneak is a teaser for things to looks like a spread in Dwell magazine.


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