
Thursday, December 05, 2013

Never the Idle Dreamers

A summary and a monthly timeline of our Koi Pond project from start till finish...

May 2010 - Clearing the area
June 2010 - Construction of first raised bed and pathway begins
July 2010 - the Big Dig has begun

August 2010 - the dig continues and first raised bed fills up with the spoil from the dig
September 2010 - hand digging continues and seating area ground level rises up
October 2010 - first raised bed filled up and levelled
November 2010 - winter pause and pond build becomes static
January 2011 - planning for the finishing touches and equipment needed
February 2011 - pond build recommences and installation of new fencing begins
March 2011 - hand digging continues and second raised bed fills up
April 2011 - new fences and trellis are up and yes, hand digging continues
May 2011 - planting of the first raised bed begins
June 2011 - coping stones on the first raised bed
July 2011 - build of the pond wall commences
August 2011 - pond wall build continues
September 2011 - bottom drains and main pipe works installed 
October 2011 - pond wall goes up and up...
November 2011 - construction of the filter house begins
December 2011 - construction of the third raised bed and water feature begins
January 2012 - third raised bed and water feature completed and rendered
February 2012 - fence painting has begun
March 2012 - planting of the second raised bed begins
April 2012 - skimmer line and return pipes installed, work on filter house continues
May 2012 - final height of block wall attained and pond window frame measured to fit
June 2012 - construction of pergola begins
July 2012 - painting of the pergola begins
August 2012 - insulation on pond walls applied ready for fiberglassing
September 2012 - fiberglassing completed and pond now water tight
October 2012 - landscaping continues, pathway finished off
November 2012 - filter equipment assembled
December 2012 - thorough cleaning and disinfection of the pond in preparation for filling up
January 2013 - construction of the decking begins
February 2013 - small water feature finished and running
March 2013 - pond window installed and sealed
April 2013 - pond filled up, fish introduced, system all running. The pond build has finished
One of the comments we received before that now holds a special place in my consciousness is that we are 'never the idle dreamers'. As I gathered these photos and looked back at what we have done it reminded me how much hard work we have put in to achieve what we have now. And it's something we are so proud of!

We wanted something, we did the work ourselves, and now we're enjoying it. But what makes this sense of enjoyment extra sweet is that we worked hard for it.

Never the idle dreamers!

And pond reveal coming up soon!

Mark :-)

For the details of the build see the following posts - (part 1part 2 part 3 and part 4)


  1. Ive such admiration for you two xx

  2. Just amazing with doing the work yourselves and the result is awesome.

    1. Thanks Shirley! I enjoyed looking back and reminiscing whilst compiling these pics

  3. Kudos to both of you on all your hard work. You have definitely not been idle, and have accomplished so much. Oh, to be young and muscular with a healthy back!

    1. Thanks Alison! All that back straining, we just hope we don't pay for it later on, cross fingers!

  4. WOW. That is an absolutely incredible amount of hard work, and it looks AMAZING! I can't wait to see finished photos. Well done. You should be very proud of yourselves!

    1. Thanks Amy, we're really pleased with the end result :)

  5. Not to make light of all the very hard work you've done but I think equally impressive is your vision. To look at that grassy patch and see what it has become, well it takes an amazing set of eyes (or two) and a couple of very creative brains.

    1. Lovely words Loree, thank you! I still remember when you visited and seeing it empty. Hopefully you'll get the chance to visit again, who knows!

  6. Crumbs. That is very impressive, Boys. All that hard work has certainly paid off. Dave

    1. Thanks David! Next time you're up this way feel free to pop round.

  7. It is so nice seeing the progression photos. Not only seeing all the hard work together but the dedication of fulfilling the dream. Beautiful job!
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. Thanks Cher! It was fun looking back at the photos

  8. Oh, you tease!! It is such an impressive piece of landscaping, it all works together so well, from choice of materials and paint to the plants and moving water. Definitely something to be proud of.

    1. Thanks Janet! Will have to wait for a bit before showing finished product (mainly because haven't had chance yet to gather pics of it taken last summer).

  9. Wow, I had somehow forgotten that the whole process took so long. I'm in eternal admiration of the hard work you did. Anybody with enough money can hire a contractor to have something built but you did it all by yourself. And the result is stunning.

    1. Thanks Gerhard! With our hiatus to concentrate on the house renovation I've almost forgotten all the effort we've poured into the pond build. Collecting these photos bought back so many fab memories!

  10. It's incredible the amount of work and love you two put into this amazing project! I'm glad you're enjoying the fruits of your labor. Looking forward to the reveal!

    1. It's so relaxing seeing the fish swimming away happily in their new home Peter :)

  11. Wow, I had somehow forgotten that the whole process took so long. I'm in eternal admiration of the hard work you did. Anybody with enough money can hire a contractor to have something built but you did it all by yourself. And the result is stunning.

  12. I don't know how you even conceived of this, let along doing it yourself. You two are amazing. It looks incredible!

    1. Thanks Heather! Really pleased with the outcome and have spent lots of time already relaxing looking at the fish :)

  13. Words can't convey how impressed I am.

  14. I don't think I realized it had a window as cool!

    1. Pleased with the window, and it's fun to see them flocking on the window too begging for food whenever we pass by :)

  15. I'm exhausted after seeing what you've achieved in the timescale - mind you it seems that you have youth and vigour on your side :) Look forward to seeing the curtains raise on the pond.

    1. Thanks Anna! Will have to finish gathering photos of the finished product this weekend :)

  16. Phew...give yourselves a pat and enjoy with some drinks -- beer or whatever you Londoners enjoy :-). That was work!!! Did you have any blueprint or just went along with the design as ideas evolved? Where are the photos of the fish? Also, do you have to get permission from your council/town before you started constructions?

    1. Thank you! No rigid blue prints or plan but yes there was a sketched plan and structure to the project which evolved a bit as we went along. Photos of the fish will be included in the pond reveal. No planning permission needed as long as it was not in very close proximity to any of the houses.

  17. Amazing pond. It looks wonderful. I enjoyed seeing the build and am looking forward to the reveal. Your koi must be so happy!

    1. Thank you! The koi are all looking happy so far in their new home :)

  18. Oh my gosh what a great look back. You two have pulled off a miraculous thing by fulfilling your dream by yourselves. Can't wait to see the finish!


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