
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Favourite Plant of The Week - Agave weberi 'Arizona Star'

Agave weberi 'Arizona Star'
Agave weberi 'Arizona Star'
We join Loree from Danger Garden again this week with our Favourite Plant of the Week. This time its the turn of Agave weberi 'Arizona Star'. 

I must say I haven't been taking many photos of the garden recently too preoccupied with indoor pursuits, so when i was thinking about what plant to feature as our favourite plant of week this week then why not feature the only plant that graces our kitchen this year. In previous years we have at times packed out the kitchen with a number of plants being protected from the cold (see this post from 2010), but this year is different.

Agave as a houseplant? This is a bit of an experiment and we will keep an eye on how it will do in the months to come. There is a skylight just above it so it well get some natural light during the day and with it being in the house, hardiness won't be an issue. The only thing I have observed so far is that the variegation of this plant is no longer as distinct as the one that is inside the conservatory which gets more light. However I think that it is still pretty enough to merit a space in the kitchen, to occupy that one spot that is home to a plant. And it has its very own bodyguard to protect it!


  1. I used to grow about a dozen Agave as houseplants...til I got bored and moved on to another phase (at that time it was tropical fruit trees). They're really easy, the ones I've still got left get watered about once a month...and that's it. I never really do anything with them. I really like the little bull statue you've got next to it (that is a bull right?)

    1. It is a bull indeed Tom :) I think most Agaves do have the potential to be good houseplants, provided they get enough light where they are sited. They tick all the right boxes including tolerance of some neglect which most houseplants tend to suffer.

  2. It's a nice living sculpture indoors during the winter months. I haven't thought of agave as a houseplant but see it on blogs and photos quite a bit.

  3. Oh I do love this Agave, and I learned a valuable lesson when I almost lost it one winter because of the rain. It's not a fan ! Comes through freezing nights like a champ, but needs to be dry..

    1. Yup I noticed that too with some of the ones we had before, if I didn't move them under cover early enough and they're still moist before the cold sets in they suffer. They're more tolerant of colder temps indeed when kept on the dry side in the winter.

  4. I love the plant and I really love the bodyguard!

  5. Oh you guys that is a most excellent photograph! I've got an Agave weberi, no variegation - yours is a beauty. I've found if I grow agaves strictly as houseplants I end up ignoring/abusing them. However if I take them it's outside for the summer they are much happier.

    1. Glad you like it Loree! Even agaves appreciate a summer vacation outdoors during the summer months. The ones that stay in the greenhouse all year long never do as well as the ones moved outside even if we regularly water that ones kept in.

  6. I love the agaves. They are such great looking plants. Hope this one does well for you inside.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  7. Loving that photo, guys. The colour combo between the bull and plant is classic - I think I may even have that same planter tucked away somewhere! That is a gorgeous plant; I love the variegation indoors, very subtle.
    PS. As someone who isn't a fan of tiled walls, I'm loving the wall edging of your worksurface! All in all, a bit of a house and garden moment for me!

    1. Your comment made me smile Caro, I need the extra wall protection that a tiled splashback provides (I am an enthusiastic but messy cook), though I would have opted for glass if the budget had allowed, no grout to clean!

    2. Thanks Caro and Janet! If you have that planter use it again :) and your comment made me smile too for the detail you have noticed. Same with Janet here, the extra protection of a tiled splashback is needed so on the side of the kitchen with the cooker it is fully tiled (white metro tiles).

    3. Mark and Gaz, if I was going to have tiles, it would be metro tiles and, yes, the colour white does it for me! T'would have to be mat finish though! Stylish choice!
      Janet, the place where I need tiles is by the kitchen sink, being a very messy washer-up … it's my son who's the messy cook (I'm thinking of never buying bacon again!)

  8. That's a wonderfully graceful plant, and I love the glimpse of your new kitchen, tres chic, but with humour and colour pop courtesy of your bull. Made me smile though, I am far too messy in the kitchen to get away with a smart and minimal upstand, something I learnt the hard way, it is fully tiled splashbacks for me from now on!

    1. Thanks Janet! Once everything is fully set up (although we've been using the basics of the kitchen already) I might muster the courage to post pics of our kitchen here. The side where the plant and bull is a row of kitchen units for storage hence no tiling but on the side where the sink and cooker is it is fully tiled much like yours. Practicality reigns on that side :)

    2. I am strangely relieved to hear that - and white metro tiles sound perfect. I know what you mean about posting about your renovations, it feels strangely exposing, more so than posting about the garden does - but I would love to have a nose round...

    3. Ok, we might oblige :) But we'll have to take photos first, just realised we haven't taken any photos of rooms that are finished with decorating already (most of the ground floor, hallway/stairs/landing will be decorated between Christmas and New Year).

  9. The agave and the ceramic bull add the perfect splash of color to your kitchen. I've had a succulent pot in the window of my own kitchen for the last year - I love the life it gives to the space.

    1. I know we only put in one plant in the kitchen but a plant certainly does seem breathe life not a room and make it feel more home-y :)

  10. Wonderful plant. I love the graceful leaves!

  11. A Very Happy Holidays and if you celebrate Christmas, a Very Merry Christmas to both of you :-). Also, have a wonderful happy New Year.


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