
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Welcome to The Jungle (Hut)

With the weather forecast showing some cold weather on its way next week it was great that the builders finished the new Jungle Hut this week. I'll write a dedicated post on the finished building in the next few days. Today, however, was the perfect opportunity to move a number of plants under cover, so that they are all tucked up before the cold comes.

The old jungle hut always was home to plants in winter - see this post from last November and so the tradition continues with the new one!

As you can see behind the plants we haven't had chance to paint the plaster, this will have to wait until spring when we bring everything out. But for now the plants are warm and snug inside the all new jungle hut!



  1. Perfect timing. Can't wait to see what the new hut ooks like on the outside.

    1. Thankfully they have finished the hut just before the first hard frosts here arrive. Will post about the 'naked' jungle hut soon :)

  2. Excellent that the hut is finished in time - isn't there a forecast for very cold weather soon? I think the hut looks 'pretty in pink' but I suppose the painted finish will protect the plaster better!

    1. Bare plaster look pretty in its own right, quite an earthy pink tone isn't it? But yes you are right, it's best painted and protected. Hard frosts forecast this week, ouch!

  3. The main thing is it was able to be finished for the Winter protection of your plants. Besides you need to have a project planned in the Spring anyway. :)
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. Happy winter to your jungle! My jungle is in the garage...

    1. Indeed Tatyana :) Wish we had a garage, so we can fill it with plants too...

  5. I wish I had a jungle hut! I can't wait to see the exterior of yours. I am sure the plants appreciate their winter home.

    1. So glad they finished it just in time Debs. Will post about the 'naked' hut soon :)

  6. The jungle hut is getting busy right away, earning its name.

  7. Same planet, different world. We spoiled and lazy gardeners in warm climes must admire your dedication & devotion to tender plants.

    1. Thank you! So worth it seeing those lovely plants protected and kept looking good. To have your weather here would be a dream!

  8. Glad that he jungle hut timing worked out well for you an your jungle. We've got freezing temperatures forecast for Wednesday so today I'll do one last round of hauling plants in for the season. Looking forward to your finished jungle hut post!

    1. Thanks Peter! Hopefully the freeze won't be too bad in your area. I'm sure we have one or two plants left out which we haven't spotted yet (somehow always the case every year) but hopefully nothing major. Post on the 'naked' jungle hut to follow soon :)

  9. Just in time, methinks! And now you have plenty of time to finalise the wall colour, while your plants get first class accommodation over the winter.

    1. Indeed Janet! And we've got all winter to decide on the colour scheme :)


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