
Monday, May 06, 2013

Cornwall Day One

We have blogged about Cornwall frequently in the past, we visit this county at least once a year, usually in May, but this year we thought we would try and do something a little different and blog as we go.

Saturday was our travel day, calling in at Desert to Jungle near Taunton and then our good friends Lucien and Laura in Devon, although on this occasion Lucien was otherwise engaged. Finally arriving at our destination on the Saturday evening.

So Sunday was our first day ‘proper’ in Cornwall. First up was a nursery visit, calling in to see Hardy Exotics. We have blogged about this nursery previously and as always there were several interesting plants to come away with. After reminiscing with the owners Clive and Julie, and all agreeing that it did not seem like a year since we last visited, we chose a small selection of unusual woodland plants and also a Mahonia confusa and Lindera megaphylla. 

Close to Hardy Exotics is Tremenheere Sculpture Garden, which has a number of exotic plants thriving in its protected location. Tremenheere is still very much a garden in development lacking maturity in places. However there are a number gems to entice us. Since we last visited a fantastic new reception, cafĂ© and gallery building has been added. 

Finally we headed on to Trengwainton a traditional Cornish Garden now managed by the National Trust, we had blogged about this garden previously but as it’s such a lovely garden we wanted to revisit.

As well as having lovely mature trees, and shrubs, Trengwainton has a number of modern introductions such as this magnificent Schefflera taiwaniana.

At the end of a fantastic day visiting gardens and nurseries, what better end to the day than a walk along a near-deserted beach.

For various gardens or other places featured this week we will come back to many of them over the coming month and provide a more in depth blog post about them.

Hope you enjoyed our first day... (sorry its a day late after all we are on holiday!!)



  1. I'm so happy you're doing daily blogs from Cornwall, one of my favorite places in the world! The vegetation in the gardens you visited is so un-British, you'd think you're in Australia or some other far-flung place.

    1. Hopefully you'll be able to visit again very soon Gerhard! The plants and most of the gardens here are definitely the sort that you like and go for :)

  2. I love your posts from Cornwall, such a lovely place to garden! The sign at the sculpture garden might have read, "caution, unruly children will be thrown in to deep water ponds so do watch them won't you."

  3. Too many wonders to mention, but I do love that boardwalk path...and the footsteps in the sand. You have more than earned a good holiday.

    1. Enjoying every minute of being here Ricki, such a wonderful place especially for plant lovers :)

  4. Nice visit, I am looking forward to more posts from Cornwall! Jeannine

  5. Hi Gaz, I thoroughly enjoyed virtually following your day spent in Cornwall! The two gardens and the nursery you visited seem of outstanding quality and beauty to me. I so miss to visit gardens in the UK, sigh! Looking forward to your next installment!

    1. Hopefully you'll get to visit again soon Christina :) I know you had such a fab time whilst you were here

  6. Ooh arr, ooh arr, blogging from Cornwall. Sounds like you're having fun! I'm right impressed with that Schefflera, it looks enormous.

  7. Sounds like a perfect day, assuming you had a delicious evening meal with something nicely alcoholic to round it all off! Lovely mahonia that you have chosen, again, struggling to work out where I could fit one in... I love Cornish gardens, a wonderful mix of familiar and exotic. Look forward to catching up with the rest of your holiday.


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