
Thursday, May 09, 2013

Cornwall Day Five

Well after several nice days the weather did finally break and it rained and rained and rained today! But Cornwall being such a beautiful county the weather did not dampen our spirits.

We started off with a second visit to Lower Kenneggy Nurseries where we selected a number of succulents and a Fatsia polycarpa for our friends Gary and Nat who had been after one. Steve only had three left so this was a bit of a result to get one.

From Lower Kenneggy we called in to Constantine Nursery which usually have a wide range of interesting herbaceous plants, we only bought one plant - a Beesia calthifolia before heading on to Burncoose Nursery.
Burncoose: A photo from a prior visit as we forgot to take any today

We only had a short amount of time at Burncoose as we were meeting up with friends to visit a fabulous private garden. As it is a private garden the owners have asked us to keep the many photos we took to ourselves, so you will have to take my word for the quality of this garden, with fantastic examples of many rare and unusual shrubs and trees.



  1. No photos of the private garden???? You could have said that it was hideous and not worth your time, but no, you had to tease us!!!

  2. It sounds like you're having a wonderful time on holiday and visiting wonderful places! Your posts make us feel almost like we're on holiday too!

    1. Im glad you enjoyed coming along with us :)

  3. Such an exercise in imagination! I'll bet each of us has a different mental image of this secretive place.

    1. Hehe, itf you have a look at the photos from Tregrehan then that would give you an insight.

  4. It's always fun in the Spring to start choosing the many new plants you want to add to your gardens. With all your work on the pond I'm sure you have things you want changed around now.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. It is all coming together now Cher, will enjoy finding home for our new plants.

  5. Could you not have got a Fatsia polycarpa from the secret garden ? It's not that secret really and I saw some pics of it when owned by the previous occupant. Is it still as good? Perhaps we will discuss the last point inn private.

    1. We were given some seed, so will give it a go ourselves.

  6. Ah well, I suppose there are differing degrees of private. Glad you are enjoying yourselves, off to have a look at your earlier exploits.

  7. I can understand someone not wanting the degree of publicity that featuring on your blog would incur, but a shame for us nosey parkers!


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