
Saturday, March 23, 2013

First Day of Spring...

Well it was the Spring Equinox yesterday, which means that the days will be longer than the nights for the next six months.

Usually you can associate this time of year with new growth, of the spring bulbs and flowers, lambs prancing in the fields and all that sort of stuff....

And yet this was the view out of the window this morning!

Welcome to Spring from Alternative Eden!! :)


  1. Hey we are to get a snow storm starting Sunday. Anymore it's like the weather is never normal. I guess it's better than the summer weather we had last March and caused a year of bad gardening though.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. I hope your storm is not too bad Cher.

  2. I have been woken by the sun (or at least, daylight) every day this week. That, for me, is the first sign of spring. Unfortunately, the weather isn't playing ball - I was planting bare-root hedging this morning when the snow arrived and spoilt my fun. Time to huddle by the fire/read blogs and throw snowballs (not necessarily all at the same time).

    1. Sounds like a good plan.lets hope we get some warmer weather soon.

  3. Spring has been very lazy this year! I'm so tired of waiting for it - but I at least don't have snow! I could hardly believe it when I saw your photo! Stay warm - I suppose spring will arrive eventually!

    1. Hopefully it will get here and get going properly soon!

  4. It's alternative spring ;-) Still, better than those false springs followed by a hard frost...hang in there, guys!

  5. Apparently it is the same back home in Massachusetts as well as at my parents' place in Michigan. Makes me wish I could stay here in San Francisco beyond this spring break trip...

    1. Staying in SF sounds like a good plan :)

  6. Wow! I actually love the view from your window--and the snow on your bamboos and palm trees. The only thing that's wrong is the timing. It's the 3rd week of March, weather gods!!!!

    1. It does look pretty but we have had enough cold weather this year, bring on Spring!

  7. Haha! We only think we know what the weather will be, or should be, doing. I took vacation for the next couple of weeks, thinking the weather would be perfect for gardening. Instead, cold and wet! Though no snow; that's a little north of us.

    1. At least no snow, but it has been a wet and cold start to the year. Maybe things will improve soon

  8. Hi Mark and Gaz, yikes, that is not a pleasing sight at the beginning of spring! Hope the weather warms up for you guys soon and you fabulous garden comes back to life!

    1. Thanks Christina, yes we are hoping we get a warm spell soon.

  9. I definitely wouldn't be prancing if I were a lamb. Here the white stuff started before midnight on Thursday, continued nearly all day yesterday and then stopped this morning - until late afternoon when it came down again! Have not looked outside for a couple of hours or so as I'm not liking what I see.

    1. We don't appear to have had any more, but i wish what was here would hurry up and melt.

  10. Well, at least you will not be deluded into thinking it's time to plant.

  11. Hi Gaz, I thought i've already been here, but when i searched the comments there's none, haha. Maybe many gardeners from the winter climes post almost the same thing, that of the equinox, the staying snow, and the excitement for spring. I hope you get your wish soonest, and the spring flowers end their agony.

    1. So hoping for warmer weather soon indeed Andrea!

  12. Hi Mark and Gaz, the forecast means it might look like this for at least the next week. We're all wondering where Spring has gone while clearing snow off the drive. All those Spring jobs will have to keep on piling up until the weather becomes much more civil. It must be very frustrating for all your tropical plants!

    1. How true Sunil, all these spring jobs are now piling up, much like the snow. Patience, patience...

  13. I was amazed to read that it is only 5 years ago that we last had snow at Easter, this feels like bonkers weather to me. Snow flurries again here today,and I am officially getting fed up of it all!

    1. Bonkers weather indeed Janet. I hope this cold weather doesn't last as long as they have been predicting so far, we're refusing to believe it. Can't wait for warm weather, such a long winter this has turned out to be.


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