
Friday, March 02, 2012

The Japanese Garden - Cornwall

Another blog post that is long overdue was our visit to the Japanese Garden near Newquay in Cornwall. Started in 1991, this garden is now well established, with a fine selection of oriental trees and shrubs, laid out in a classical Japanese style.
Right from the start, we loved the ethereal feel of the garden with old gnarled moss covered trees and rocks. 

Despite no flowers the garden is a vibrant mixture of colours and shades.
A tea house next to a large Koi pond.

Well established bamboos tower over the pathways. 

When we spotted this acer catching the sunlight we both stopped in our tracks, 
we just had to take a photo!
The garden is also home to a selection of impressive Bonsai trees, some for sale (with equally impressive price tags!)

A garden we have only visited the once, but hopefully we will get to visit again, perhaps on our next visit to Cornwall.

More photos on Facebook


  1. The garden so need to go to Japan to see all this ;-)

  2. This looks a little less formal than our Portland Japanese garden. It makes me a little nervous to visit somewhere so uptight, I think I would enjoy yours more...

  3. This garden is right up my alley. There are so many things to visit on our next trip to Cornwall, whenever that might be. Thank you for continuing to post trip reports from Cornwall.

    Loree, I actually find the atmosphere of the Portland Japanese Garden to be peaceful and comforting. Yes, everything has its place and is "just so," but there is still room for humans to coexist.

  4. lovely morning stroll for me, just before getting to work. I'll have the vision of the luminous acer as I'm drving under a grey sky !

  5. From Spain, is so beaty this garden. Nos ha encantado. Enhorabuena.

  6. Very interesting and unique. The falls especially is really lovely and lush.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  7. Just goes to show that a garden doesn't always need flowers.... aesthetically at least. Doesn't moss have such a special place in Japanese gardens?

  8. ~~ I love it! ~~

  9. I can understand why you guys have to stand in the track to take picture of Acer catching sunlight. It really looks out of the world. Beautiful garden and beautiful pictures.

  10. Beautiful - though the bonsai just maks me realise I've a long way to go in trying to master the art. And your post, as they often do, reminds me how many gardens there are that I still haven't visited.

  11. What an outstanding Japanese Garden! I love all the lushness of the greenery, especially the moss, which is something that we definitively don't have here in San Diego. My favorite photo is the one with the acer in the sunlight. It hardly can get any prettier than this. Thanks for the tour!

  12. Wow, my first thoughts just as Janet already said, flowers are not always necessary.

  13. Makarini - glad you enjoyed it. Whilst we would love to see gardens in Japan, its great to have some of the same style here.

    Loree - We like the less formal style, but having seen Gerhards recent photos from Portland, we would love to visit there too.

    Gerhard - Glad you like it, when you visit again this would be worth fitting in!

    Celine - Glad you enjoyed your visit!

    Clive - indeed :)

    Briconatur - Glad you enjoyed looking round.

    Cher - the use of water in the garden really works well.

    Janet - there is so much colour without flowers. Although they have lots of spring flowering shrubs in the garden, so I assume its a riot of colour in May.

    Soroya - Glad you enjoyed it.

    KL - isn't that acer just wonderful in that light.

    David - we have not tried bonsai ourselves, you must post photos of yours.

    Christina - Glad you enjoyed the tour, the moss really adds to the atmosphere. Cornwall is a very moist county so everything is so lush.

    Alistair - The gardeners have really worked well to create interest without the flowers.

  14. I saw that moss covered tree, and I was immediately pulled into this enchanted garden! The atmosphere of the place is so peaceful. Occasionally I have admired ceramic mushrooms I have seen for sale but was afraid they would look tacky. Now that I have seen it done, don't be surprised if you see ceramic mushrooms in one of my blog posts one day!

  15. Beautiful visit. I love moss! It is so underutilized especially in cold climates. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

  16. Debs, I'll be looking out for those mushrooms! Glad you enjoyed them, and remember if they look good for you it was our idea, but if they dont we had nothing to do with it :)

    Julie, I agree, moss should be used as a gardening element more frequently.


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