
Sunday, February 26, 2012

I See White

Sun, glorious sun! The sun was generous enough to grace us with its presence over the weekend, reinforcing that spring like feeling that most of us are already having now that we're at the tail end of February. And with the sun and mild weather means lots of time was spent in the garden, wonderful!

And if I'm going to sum up our weekend with just two words, they would be 'Sunny' and 'White'. 

White, lots of it! And with the generous sun white becomes even whiter. White, white, white!

We deliberately planted only white Crocus on one of our raised beds and they have started to come out and bloom in succession. White that are a welcome sight!

Apart from the cheerful Crocus I saw more white as I started to give some of the fences a final coat of white silicone paint. I've always thought that the primer was bright white already until I started to paint the final coat and the difference is very noticeable. 

It wasn't that warm a day but painting under the sun made you feel warm, and with the sun shining directly over the newly painted surfaces they dried almost instantly. The only thing was, painting white under direct sun can be strenuous to the eyes, like staring at a computer monitor for a long time and I had to take regular breaks to rest them. 

A couple of our friendly neighbours also came out to say hi. They were curious what we were doing and was pleased to see our progress. Here's one of them peeking over the wall..

Sunlight and white, a lovely combination that can lift your spirits!

Mark :-)


  1. Your crocus look lovely with that touch of orange. I love a pretty bright white color. Like your neighbor. :)
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. How beautiful! I absolutely love the look of the white crocus coming up through the (slate?) chips!

  3. What a way to welcome Spring. I love white in the garden.

  4. Those white crocus look absolutely beautiful.

  5. Ditto....the Crocus look fabulous! Love that you only planted white and have the area mulched with rock. It's the opposite of the purple Crocus in the lawn thing I see so often around here.

  6. You guys sure keep busy. Funny to think your crocuses are blooming at almost the exact same time as us 4000km away. Nature is a strange thing.

  7. Thanks Cher, Tim, Missy, Hazel, KL, Loree, Nat! White is a fab colour isn't it? :)

    Tim, they are slate chippings indeed. Nat, our climate is similar to yours, still it's amazing how synchronised nature is :)

  8. Mark, I love your white crocus peaking through the gray stone gravel together with the tropical plants! What a great idea! It would have never occurred to me to plant crocus there, but it looks absolutely stunning.

  9. I think sticking to one crocus colour is very restrained but wonderful. The Parks Dept (who usually aren't so restrained)here have planted arcs of cream crocuses in the local park and it really works.

  10. Lovely! Here the crocuses are just beginning to bloom as well, though for here that is quite early.

  11. Might they I suggest some shades. Mark? I have some in my pocket all year round - surprising how much I wear them over the winter. Big fan of mono-colour planting. Lovley. Dave

  12. Hooray! If you're going into spring we must be heading into autumn! b THe white crocus in the stone gully looks gorgeous. Beauty.

  13. Thanks Christina! What I also like about the crocuses are their foliage which are small with a white midrib. They go well with the planting scheme of that raised bed too, and doesn't look scruffy once the blooms are gone :)

    Thanks Janet, College Gardener! I do like mono chrome/single colour plating, pleasing to the eye as well as helping to demarcate areas or borders. Although I also like mixed colour planting of crocuses, they remind of a candy bowl!

    Thanks for reminding me of shades David! I usually carry a par with me during the summer but in this case I may have to use them this time. Great idea actually, at least I can carry on painting much longer :)

    Mrs. Bok, of course, our seasons are inverse! :) Glad you liked the crocuses!

  14. Cute cartoon! The crocus look pretty popping up from the stone.

  15. I can't wait until it's warm enough for crocus to bloom here. The gray rock looks really nice against the white flowers, what kind is it (the rock not the crocus)?

  16. Thanks Donna! The cartoon will stay there until we're ready to cover him :)

    Glad you like the stone mulch Tom! The mulch are green slate chippings.

  17. You have a nosy neighbor! The white crocus is lovely. I am very excited about spring, now that March is about here and it is supposed to be spring in my part of the world. Hopefully, no more frosts...

  18. I echo everything others have said. The white crocus are stunning and they go so well with all the foliage plants.

  19. Debs, hopefully no more frosts, but still time for some more here. Shouldn't be too bad now that March is here.

    Gerhard, glad you like them!

  20. They sure are Christine, glad you enjoyed seeing them!


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