
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Continuing the Filter House

Over the last couple of weekends we have been able to get some more work done on our filter house. Pretty much all the recent work has been done inside, such as getting the plasterboard onto the frame and now it is starting to look more like a room!

The other big change was putting the glass units back into the window frames. We were fortunate to obtain double glazed windows, which had been removed from a house that was having an extension built. These will certainly give the filter house a higher insulation level (plus will help prevent the sound of the pumps from being heard outside), as well as looking quite smart too!

The walls have all been lined with glass fibre insulation, again to keep any heat in and also prevent us from hearing any noise outside the filter house.

We are not far off getting this finished now, a little bit more boarding out to do on the inside and then to finish off the floor and door and then it will be ready for fitting the filter equipment.

I guess we could have bought a self assembly garden shed for this project, but given the overall design we felt a purpose built filter house would be the right solution for this project. 



  1. Woah! you guys don't do things by half, it looks like a real room inside! The double glazed windows look great too, better than what I have in my own workshop!

  2. That is so impressive. I say that as a person in a contractor's family. Looks great what you've done. Yes you could have gotten a shed, but you did a beautiful building.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. Thanks Jeremy, glad you like it. You will have to upgrade the windows in your workshop :)

    Cher, thank you, neither of us have had any training in construction. My dad has helped, who is good at DIY but a Science teacher by profession! Lots of research and taking things slowly have been the key so far.

  4. You guys built a house! Seriously amazing.

  5. I echo what everybody said. It's a real miniature house, with plumbing, insulation, and all. And it looks great, too. I hope you guys are as proud of yourselves as we are of you!

  6. What are you going o use this lovely place for? Or have I missed something? You two are very able even with a bit of help!

  7. Its very exciting, I bet you would love to go faster. I am looking forward to seeing it all finished!

  8. You guys built that house? Wow! great job. All the best with your filter house.

  9. I ditto Jeremy's comment, and double the whoa!

  10. Loree, Gerhard, Janet, Libby, KL, Donna, thanks for the lovely words! There's still lots to do including little bits to finish it off but we'll get there eventually. Soon I hope! :)

  11. you two lads have done a fantastic garden there so profesional I cant wait to see the end project you should be proud of yourselves xx

  12. Thanks Brummi, so kind of you to say, we are looking forward to the end of the project too!


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