Thursday, October 27, 2011

Unusual Autumn

Its been a strange Autumn this year, generally quite warm and also quite dry, we haven't yet had much in the way of Autumn colour although a quick cold snap, when it comes may well change that. The weather has also allowed us to push the pond on further than we may have otherwise expected, but even that is now giving me an interesting dilemma, What to do next? I had worked out quite carefully a...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Fatsia japonica 'Variegata...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Stash in the Attic

Buy the right item in the wrong season and you get the best value for your money. And that certainly is true on a lot of things including items for the garden! I've been stock piling several spring essentials recently, whilst it is still early autumn and I've been able to take advantage of the autumn sales. It's this time of the year when many shops need to free up valuable retail space for the...

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Pond Build Continues...

We have been blessed with a very mild autumn so far this year, and have taken full advantage to push forward with the pond build. As Mark blogged about previously, we were able to get the pond base completed a couple of weeks ago. Something we had hoped to achieve, but knew that poor weather would have delayed us. Since then we have completed the second raised bed, subject to the final pond height...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fine Disarray

Our top patio is a bit of a jumble at the moment with lots of pots scattered around as we start preparing for the coming cold months ahead. I have been grouping some of the plants, mainly based on where they will be going during the winter, so it will be easier once we get into full swing of shifting these tender/borderline hardy plants under cover. I don't mind though, in fact I quite like the...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Autumn Buzz

Spring seems to have come in early this year and summer came in so late, albeit a short one too, and now it's autumn and the signs of this season are undeniably everywhere now. Leaves of several deciduous trees and shrubs are already changing colours whilst some have already shed their leaves with nothing left now but just bare stems and branches. This particular Aloe polyphylla has done incredibly...

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Avenue Fisheries Visit

We are fortunate to live close to Avenue Fisheries, a large Koi dealer. We took a morning off from building our pond to have a look at some fantastic fish. Avenue is a long established dealer in Koi, they select only from the best Japanese breeders and keep their fish in great conditions. The majority of the fish we currently have in our existing pond came from Avenue, as its one of our favourite...

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Sweet Determination

What a gloriously sunny and warm late September and early October it has been here, I was certainly not expecting it but it is definitely a welcome surprise! The Blue (and green) border enjoying some October sun. This bed is still 'unfinished' and mainly planted for establishment,  hence the stakes and wires on some of the plants. It's also largely unmulched, hopefully we'll get that...

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